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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 21:01 Sat 27th Feb 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
98 Answers
The Club is now open.

Sadly, Committee Room 37 is out of commission tonight due to flood damage. The floor is very wet and it has been deemed unusable.
No one has been able to detect a leak which is quite strange.

Tonight's talk will be on 'How to safely tidy drawers'.


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I think Uncle Joe would make an excellent companion for his Lordship. May we go into the drawing room and discuss hiring rates?
Question Author
I'm always available to discuss new income, Miss Meg, as Mamya will confirm.
I think you will find that lordalex's rates are quite competitive.
hello everyone sorry i'm late'do you know there are people skating on the moat.i brought some alkaselzer to put into the tailcocks,it turns them into champaigne,nice and bubbly.i had some spare ,unused xmas cards i brought for the raffle and an eye patch.
Maybe we should start a Save Crocs' feet campaign! I always wondered what happened to the rest of the elephant in Ye Olde Days when people used elephants' feet for umbrella stands. It seems the Wild didn't stand much chance in the days of the Empah. Ah me, we could become nostalgic - I will have to watch out or I will start to snivel.
I did mean you pay me, I have gotten wise to your terms of contract. Uncle Joe is up for rent at £50/hour, cheap at half the price.
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Hello slnky kate. How nice to see you again. And thank you so much for the raffle prizes. We will have to have the draw soon.

I had forgotten about elephants' feet, boxtops. Thankfully.
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Sorry, Miss Meg. I don't think you understand how the aristocracy work. You always pay us.
That's the deal.
Do you think this house runs itself ?
would anyone like some alky seltzer
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Yes, please.

If Miss Meg wants some, be sure to charge her full price. She has to learn.
Ssh this is not for milady but for everyone else - do you think milady realises that none of us have paid our entrance fees for yonks? We have been getting away with it by bringing food and drink and raffle prizes instead, and generally distracting the membership secretary.
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Did somebody speak ?
when are we having a games night,i fancy a game of hoopla
Agree Boxtops, sorry I've been a bit vague tonight, had visitors. I was extrtemely rude to them and now they've gone. Can't think why they left so early....
boxtops milady can hear at a hundred yards with that ear trumpet

Miss meg your uncle joe would live his life in penury, do take care, you don`t work for blue blood unless you can afford it
listen to mamyalynne, I am on welfare since I started cleaning the moat and tending to the allotment
Petal has gone very quiet, I hope her mad cat is OK - mine has been plaiting the vertical blinds today, there must be something in the water at the moment. Milady, could we perhaps have a pet show in the spring? That would raise funds, and people could bring their rabbits and George could hop along, it would be lovely as long as we kept them away from the veg patch.
Point taken Mamya. I think Uncle Joe has a bob or two put away, I shall hold on to him, don't want him getting all acristoaric. Are we having chips tonight, everybody ate the nibbles before I arived.
Boxtops, a pet show is a smashing idea, George is bouncing up and down.I shall tether him to the tailcocks.
there are some jacket spuds in the glowing embers and I could do a chilli sauce on top
Ooh please mamya, I love a good spud. Charred ones remind me of bonfire night in my childhood.

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