Good evening everyone.
The Committee have met again and decided.
I do hope that members will not be deterred by the ash tonight as the non-raffle has some lush prizes.
eg A hardly used bar of Pears soap
two bars of Ex-lax
and a beautifully hand-crafted tea-cosy in fetching shades of mustard and lime.(No kitachen is complete without one of them.)
I'm sure other prizes will emerge as the evening progresses.
I do believe that I have seen a blue bag for sale which I guess is the equivalent of dolly blue...mind you I may be mixing them up with dorothy bags and Dolly Grey....
Was it Zebu or Zebo ? It was black anyway.
I hope you get away, boxtops. Lordalex and I hope to be off also to visit the son-and-heir in the American colonies. Ash permitting. So I won't be here for 2 weeks. I'll leave the key on the hidden hook as usual.
Sorry, missed the last lot of posts. I'm sure huffy puffy will be most welcome. As you all know we stretch a point with the age qualification if people qualify on the mad score.
Milady we ought to draw a map for these nice newcomers. Panic, you have to watch out for the moat on the way back out, several of us regularly fall in, and Watch Out for the Neighbours. Lordalex is also to be avoided unless you are deputising for Matron with the Tiger Balm, you have to have permission first.
We don`t bite panic, as most us have mislaid our dentures anyway, do have a saturday night special tailcock (it has a shot of wincarnis in for strenght)
Come on in puffys, there are several here already and some have had a tailcock or six already. Did you bring a raffle prize? You will gain favour if you give it to ladyalex <<pointing at milady>>