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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:02 Sat 19th Jun 2010 | Quizzes & Puzzles
222 Answers
The Club is now open.

At the latest Committee meeting, it was decided that, in view of the recent good weather, volunteers would be asked to do the needful.
So far the results have been quite encouraging.

The Lost Property cupboard has been turned out and the contents used for dusters, so any members having lost any items are asked to look for them in the kitchen cupboards. There is a sewing machine in the upper left-hand attic if anyone wishes to effect repairs.


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Hello Boxtops and your friend Vuvu.

I heard that, Miss Meg.......I simply report the proceedings of the Committee...don't blame me for their edicts. If you consult the Rule book , which I am sure you will all remember from last week can be found, you will see that the Committee has been properly constituted according to our Constitution.

Alexanderd, I think you will find that Mamyalynne is quite a reknowned haggis hunter....she chased them the wrong way round the hillside and soon catches up with them, (The cannot go widdershins as their uneven leggies are uneven the wrong way round.) Dead clever our Mamya. And a dead shot with the blunderbus.
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Well, what an ungrateful lot.
We shall see when next christmas comes round who gets what.
I'll remember this. Probably.
Good evening to you all - apologies for my tardiness - 'tis not easy going up a hill against the wind when trying to power my tandem single-handedly. I have brought some caviar on sticks - they took a while to do - and some banana milk shakes - well they are now.
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Welcome ttfn. Hope you are feeling better.......are you sure you should be using a solo tandem ? Wouldn't a unicycle be lighter ?

Your caviar on sticks looks must have used nearly a whole tree .
Banana milk shakes...yum yum!
Oh no Miss Meg, don't get me wrong <sniffs> - I found it on the train. I wouldn't BUY one..... can't think of the last time I bought a national newspaper!
Hello ttfn, lovely to see you. How are you now? Why not hitch a lift with alex, much less exertion for you.
Thank you ladyalex - it has been suggested by one helpful soul that if I had the crossover on my braces at the back it might prevent pains at the front. For the non - thingy - wotsit I have brought 3 knitting needles (I regret the right-handed one is missing from the second pair) and an ancient rubber garden hose - I thought the little holes all the way along its length might provide a suitable irrigation system if you have enough water power.
Hi ttfn, hope you are perking up. You should have shouted, I'd have encouraged you with my hooter.
Soz boxtops, wrong end of the stick again. A venui thingy found on a train must be better than none at all. Enjoy.
Thank you miss meg - not too bad considering all that pedalling
hello ttfn I shall put that rubber hose to good use in the garden, how very thoughtful of you
I decided to go and puy some clothes on as it is rather chilly at the moment
Would that be the kilt alexanderd? Dear boxy - my hearing aid batteries are as flat as my front tyre now - you will have to mime the hoot tonight please.
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Erm........have you been unclothed, alexanderd, and no one noticed ?
I noticed, twas smashing!!
The story of my life Ladyalex
<whispers so not to offend boxy> isn't a Venezuela a country song by Bolivia Newton John?
Good evenong all, nipped for a ciggie and the place is filling up nicely.

There is red wine gravy for those who are averse to beetroot.

Wincarnis wiz tailcock ttfn??
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Has someone found the kilt ?
It has been lost for years. If it has been found, please , for any favour, please, do NOT let lordalex know. He will insist on wearing it ...and we all know the consequences of that if the wind is high.
(Let off with a caution last time, but I think a dim view would be taken for a repeat offence.)
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I can hardly remember Bolivia Newton John.....was she not a pal of John Revolta ?

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