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Mamyalynne | 20:59 Sat 22nd Jan 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
194 Answers
Once again, a very god evening and a warm welcome, as I preside in her Ladyship's absence (how the other half live!) Milady has gone a'Beetling, do hope she does not return with any souvenirs as I dread to think how much Rentokil will charge for a weekend call-out!

As you may recall we have quite a backlog of Ruffle prizes and maybe, just maybe we will get round to drawing the Ruffle tonight, the list of prizes are on a roll of Izal pinned up in the understairs loo, do feel free to add any more donations to it.

Anyone willing to give a talk or lecture on an interesting topic, please let me know, otherwise I am sure we can all add our twopennorth as we go along.

Do grab a Tailcock and help yourself to nibbles from the buffet sideboard.



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Am sure Ellie and Humph would eat them , assuming the non toxic variety.

Oh Daisy I see which sort of 'Monsters' he meant now, no jealousy required, just a civility that my new found standing requires.
Was down genuflecting to Matron and my back went(old war wound) back on my feet now though did someone mention tapdancing? Last time I tried that I fell in the bath
Monsters? who said something about monsters? Is this insect repellent going to be strong enough for monsters? Have you got the key to the cellar mamya, sorry, lady mamya. I know that's where you keep the spare drinks but we will have to hide somewhere.
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Star, the oubliette is out of bounds as you well know.

Alex do you require my ministrations dear?
Good evening all. This is literally a flying visit and I do apologise for arriving this late. I had another unexpected visit to Holby City Hospital, this time to collect a prescription.
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Good gracious DSJ you will be getting a uniform next you are there so often!!
Your ministrations are always welcome your worthiness
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I shall warm up the Tiger Balm dear.
I picked up the prescription for a friend but had to wait rather a long time because one of the lady doctors went mad and had to be certified. There was a big upheaval in the lobby. Sorry, I forgot to bring a raffle prize tonight but maybe it's already been drawn. I like the look of those beetle cakes - may I help myself?
Mamy, I think your new, much deserved status should encompass delegating your ministrations. Surely you should be separated from the hoi polloi? Ladyalex could not possibly allow your besmirchment.
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Daisy that is so kind of you, but in truth I still see myself as the type who ministers to those who need me, and Alex is always very grateful for a good massage.

DSJ. am sure a job there would suit you fine.
After this afternoon's offering,Daisy, there is nothing left un-besmirched, believe me
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Oh so glad you are down off the roof Ena, hope the aerial is better aligned now, have a tipple dear.
i didnt know alex did lap dancing..........beetle pate is lovely with melba toast.
Mrs Baroness - when does the vicar arrive please?
I thought I was of sound mind, now I am not so sure.
Evening micmak, saw you on the telly again tonight.
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Deliberately obtuse Ena as per usual, ministrations as in the repair and relax of Alex' spinal discomfort.
Hiya Boxy, I saw me too. I was good don't you think.
I would refer the Right One to her opening post where she clearly welcomed us to' a very god evening', so again I ask the Right Mrs Baron - where is the vicar?

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