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Mamyalynne | 20:59 Sat 22nd Jan 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
194 Answers
Once again, a very god evening and a warm welcome, as I preside in her Ladyship's absence (how the other half live!) Milady has gone a'Beetling, do hope she does not return with any souvenirs as I dread to think how much Rentokil will charge for a weekend call-out!

As you may recall we have quite a backlog of Ruffle prizes and maybe, just maybe we will get round to drawing the Ruffle tonight, the list of prizes are on a roll of Izal pinned up in the understairs loo, do feel free to add any more donations to it.

Anyone willing to give a talk or lecture on an interesting topic, please let me know, otherwise I am sure we can all add our twopennorth as we go along.

Do grab a Tailcock and help yourself to nibbles from the buffet sideboard.



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Look out mamya they are after your job already.
I have to go early tonight, grandson is staying with me. Night all.
Good evening micmak. Join the club lol
Night night Star - see you next week, if not before ♥
Is micmak the vicar in disguise?
Sound mind. Is thatlike an exploding pig?
OMG - just read ttfn's posting. Was that the vicar they accidentally shot when they asked him the password and he didn't know it. In fact I think he called them silly sods or something like that. Last I saw of him they were burying him in the flower bed round the back.
Hi Ena, Thanks for the welcome. Did you see me on TV this afternoon / evening. Good actor don't you think.
Night ttfn see you next week. Hope you find the vicar.
If he is, Daisy, I expect a short sermon ;o)
DSJ. I am no vicar. Ask Boxy.
Mamy just reviewed your opening missive "a very god evening" is that the vicar everyone is talking about?
I am sorry to say I didn't micmak, but if you can stand it in here you can do well anywhere!
Sorry folks, I'm off now. I did warn you that this would be a flying visit. The new broomstick will get me home in no time at all & I'll see you all again next week.

PS Those beetle cakes were delicious!!
Well read alex! Star, don't delve too deeply in the grounds. I fear there are all sorts out there. The coconut ones are mine please ☺
What am I missing about the vicar ? Please someone tell me. !!!! Please.
It was a youthful you this afternoon micmak, good performance.
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Night Star ♥

Evening Micmak a celebrity guest how wonderful.

Ena, even aristos make typos dear.

Take care DSJ.
Bye DSJ - take care. micmak - Mamya had a slight typo at the very start - I think it was a typo - or maybe just a clerical slip up! See wot I did - god - cleric? Am in a world of my own somedays (best place for me really) ;o)
Matron as you will see I am now ready for your ministrations
Mrs Baron is now taking cloth?

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