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Mad over Fifties Club

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ladyalex | 20:57 Sat 19th Mar 2011 | Quizzes & Puzzles
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The Club is now Open

Welcome one and all to our club.

As it is the night of the big moon, members are requested to take great care .

Throat pastilles have been made available in the smaller scullery for those who may have need of them.

No doubt the usual drinks and nibbles will materialise along with our dear Matron.

Tonight's raffle prizes include:

An egg slicer (out of it's box, but probably unused)
Five small white buttons (four holes in each )
A box of frogs. (In honour of the big moon)

The colour of tonight's winning ticket is TBA.


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Question Author Mum used to make her own doughnuts. She punched the middles out and cooked them too, always referring to them as 'nuts'.
I was never sure....
Shame to waste a perfectly good hole,
Question Author
She sometimes said that too...
best not to delve too deep m'lady!
Question Author
No...moving swiftly on...

Do we have a guest speaker tonight, or are we relying on Miss Meg and her crystal ball again ?
Good grief mammy … go to your boudoir and cover up your [ahems] at once!

You’ve got that backless frock on back to front again!
Question Author
Hello Mrs have a tailcock and a sit down.

Large Lunar surprise@ over here, Mamya.
Try not to pour it over her
best I beat a hastie retreat,this mooning stuff ............
Here we go again , thems me arms not me baps LOL

Do have a tipple MrsC, it gives a lovely glow.
Question Author
DO be careful, petal, dear. Can't you stay a little longer until the tailcock kicks in/wears off ?
have been avoiding the 600 nations,all those thighs,suppoes a snother wee tipple wouldn't hurt
Good evening everyone. I have brought a car rug - to cover up the mooning going on tonight. Such behaviour, well, I never (unless not quite sober of course). I have brought some miniatures - to add a certain je ne sais quois to Mamya's cailtocks - hic - just sampled one or two on the way up the drive. There really is more liquid in a Minto. I also have grandma's darn mushroom for some lucky so and so. Now, may I please have a serious drink, with a shot of painkiller on the side, thank you.
Why thank you, don't mind if I do. I'll have a schooner of sherry and a pint of cider please.

(Pssst, mammy .... that slit that goes from the neck to the waist ..... it's supposed to go at the BACK, not the front).
Nighty night Petal dear, take care now.
I've brought my welcome with me as my old mother used to say. A bottle of red wine, a bottle of white wine and a half a bottle of whisky I found at the back of the drinks cupboard, although how it got there I do not know. About the ruffle - has that sheet of bubble wrap got all its bubbles in mamya, some people are very fond of bursting them just to feel them pop. If it has I will buy a ruffley ticket, No. 9 please, my lucky number. Another question, if I may, this moon - you haven't got any werewolves in here have you. Although I read they prefer virgins so that will cut me out. Where's the food then, this diet is no good it just makes me more hungry. Can't you make the nibbles a bit larger mamya? Mm - nice - lunar surprise, I'll try that and see if it surprises me.
Another petal certainly and Ena a large one for you with added meds.

MrsC are you related to Gok Wan?
Hello all a bit late I,m afraid got blinded by that bloody moon on the way here
Do we have a quiet corner for the terminally bewildered? I am going out to look at the moon now and may need a lie down when I arrive.
Star, good evening and welcome, one large Lunar Surprose@ coming up. have just taken some Pasties out of the oven too, gather round whilst they are still hot.
Alex good evening dear, do let your eyes get adjusted.

Grasscarp, yes you may sit in the library with the dusty tomes to settle yourself.

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