ChatterBank14 mins ago
Why Can't We Travel Faster Than Light?
....because we are already travelling through spacetime at the speed of light, there is only one speed in spacetime.
Well thanks all for an interesting discussion, I especially want to thank claire for your clever analogies, brilliant reasoning and sheer patience. I like the dice analogy one and with your permission will be using that when similar discussions arise.
I would also like to apologise to Andy, I was a bit abrupt and rude above. I can get that way when I think someone is just refusing to understand.
I was keen that Andy and Naomi watch the video because the guy explains very well by c cannot be exceeded using a very simple graph device.
n, //What's the title, Khandro?//
'Six Impossible Things . The Quanta of Solace' and the Mysteries of the Subatomic World'.
It's a primer in QM, for the likes of you & me :0) which won the Science Book Prize in 2019 & praised by the likes of Jim Al-Khalili. (btw. what happened to our Jim ?)
I must say though that in fairness to Andy Hughes (& why should I be fair to Andy hughes when he's never fair to me!)
The American theoretical physicist Lee Smolin, has actually opined that genuinely faster than light signalling might be possible, because he suspects that quantum mechanics is itself only an approximate version of some deeper description of the universe.
TTT, what is wrong with you? You're told someone is already aware of what you, uninvited, decide you want to teach them, and you ignore it. Get over yourself for goodness sake. Einstein you ain't! I'll try to make it clearer. I don't need to watch the video because I am already aware of its content. Now stop. User Recommendationref=sr_1_1?crid=HWKG4V00UAPW&keywords=quanta+of+solace&qid=1698920566&sprefix=quanta+of+solace%2Caps%2C92&sr=8-1
just bought it!
roy - //
Roy - Since you have nothing relevant to add - as usual - don't let us delay you.
Lol Andy Einstein, I bow to your superior knowledge.
When you have finished with your Bumper Book of Space Stuff...can I borrow it? //
If this was a high school debating session, you'd be the annoying wonk at the back shouting out pointless interuptions, because actually, you are not able to join in on the same level, and you secretly worry that no-on will actually notice you, unless you disrupt things with your nonsense.
Your insecurity manifests itself in your endless pointless childish hostility towards a complete stranger, but if you want to come across as a sad fool, then don't let me stop you.
Thanks all for a fasinating debate - clare especially, hopefully not ruined by the sad little boy at the back shouting out.