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miss trouble | 20:34 Mon 24th Mar 2008 | Science
3 Answers
benedicts solution tests for what substance?


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Sorry sddsddean, but your answer is not strictly correct.

Benedict's Solution is a reagent used to test for the presence of Reducing Sugars. These are sugars that contain a free aldehyde or ketone group in their molecular structure and glucose is only one of many of them.

Other reducing sugars that give a positive test with Benedict's Solution include Mannose, Lactose, Galactose, Maltose and Fructose, but there are many others.

Much of this confusion has arisen because for many years, Benedict's Solution was the standard test for glucose in urine. A positive test invariably meant a patient was diabetic because they were indeed testing for glucose in urine. Nowadays, the medical profession never rely on the Benedict's test alone simply because other reducing sugars can innocently turn up in urine now and again too.
Incidentally, all monosaccharides but only some disaccharides give a positive result with Benedict's Solution.

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