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What's in a mirror when no one's looking at it?

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thedaveformula | 20:32 Wed 29th Dec 2010 | Science
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"The narcissist enjoys being looked at and not looking back."

Mason Cooley, Prof Emeritus of English at Staten College
Hmm, and looking at themselves, surely.....? hence Narcissus falling in love with his own reflection.
It's a clever question as it goes...

It comes down to, you can not prove anything without observing it, but are you changing what you observe by the simple fact of observing it.
I feel sorry for poor Echo.
I hate those types of questions, they remind me of debate exercises, a question open to interpretation to keep the gums rattling all night ;)
LOL, that's the precise reason I like "those types of questions", Cazzz :)
We have only our own perception of the world out there. When an individual is not looking at the mirror, or carries a conscious image of it, the mirror doesn't exist for that individual. That is why existentianalists accept that some things do not permit rational explanation. Unfortunately my dog does exist and the pong indicates a walk.
why does the mirror not exist for the individual because he isnt using it?
The mirror will always exist even if nobody is using it, but it's only the individual that is using it that knows the mirror exists.
These types of questions have people going round and round in circles and coming up with the same conclusion. That there isn't a finite conclusion. What came first, the chicken or the egg?
that could apply to a lot of personal belongings other than mirrors, I can think of a lot of mirrors that are not mine that I am aware of in other peoples houses
when my wife is on a diet and i'm not around to see her fill her face with chocolate, crisps and biscuits.
Is she still on a diet?
A diet doesn't necessarily mean a low fat, low calorie diet Mick. She could be on an all fat, all calorie diet.
But you don't know that mirror exists. they may have broken it 5 min ago and Surely nobody would phone everyone they had ever met to tell them a mirror has been broken.
okay this is where I start losing the will to live... ;)
See how strange a room in your home looks in a mirror. It's a parallel world!
If you mother dies is she still your mother?
My mirror was in the makeup drawer face down. I don't think there was anything in it until I turned it up the right way.
Nothing of any importance except the sudoku.
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I think that light and sound are nothing without someone to see it or hear it. If there are no eyes to pick up the light from the mirror, to what extent does light exist? We make these things exist.

So as far as I know the mirror does not exist as an image until I look at it. The universe has no reason to maintain an image without an observer present. I reckon it must 'warehouse' stuff until that stuff is looked at and quickly piece it all together.

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What's in a mirror when no one's looking at it?

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