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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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Morning all - yes swede, read it as it's a damn fine book, in my opinion.

Now jude I also agree with you that the bear was looking after her, I've always thought that, and am glad that you think so too. Never thought about the father thing, always thought it was Tom Gordon that got her through, although now you mention it, she was always refering to her dad's sayings.

Been to doctors this morning as we have our prescriptions put onto our medical cards so we don't have to go to dts all the time for repeats. but they have to be put on once a year and the doc has to check one out. Have a lully new doctor, handsome and young. Don't read this Vin, he's actually talked me into having a smear test (first one in 8 years) and no, he's not doing it!! No. No I don't mean Vinny!!!!
<mumble, grumble, lotsofswearwords...some you've never heard before, we Nottingham folk make up our own....grumble....>

Loads of bl00dy white stuff again, (I see you've been covered too Sweedie) just when it was almost all gone. Yesterday was a beautiful sunny one & now we're back to a winter blunderland. It was silent here first thing 'cept for the sirens - lots of poor people in trouble obviously. I feel for anyone stuck or ill & waiting at home for their nurse, doc to come etc...So anybody who says they love it today gets it!!

phew, sorry, just a bit grumpy....hahaha

Yes, well done Derby! At least there are some happy people around here today.

What's keeping me going today then I bet you can all guess that.!!!! The last time Derby County beat Forest at their ground was 38 years ago when Brian Clough was in charge of us.

Yes Kit you must have a read of the book. It's a really great one. <Mind you Stephen King is an acquired taste,

I looked out of the window this morning and my car had almost disappeared under a mountain of snow. I have to go to my son's in the early morning to wait for some furniture delivered . I can't say I'm looking forward to it as it is out in Smalley (a village on theother sideof Derby) I'll just have to wait and see what it is like in the morning.

Hope you all have a good day in spite of the weather which I am in agreement with you Robi is awful. I hate being stuck in the house. I have to go and have my hair cut this afto' so I will be walking down.
Yesterday afternoon was really nice and I thought the snow was going,. Me and my sister went for a walk around the houses for a breath pof fresh air and then today ias as bad again. Sorry for being a moaning Minnie.

See yer later 'gater(s) :o)
moan away Jude...we'll just ignore the sweti woman
btw it's Cetti's birthday so I've risked it in
A & N
can't get a snowperson when you need one...

anyway, it's been raining here these last 12 hours, slowly washing away the snow but still very chilly. <Dreams fondly of South Sea Islands>
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Afternoon, all. Call me easily amused but I looove my pedal bin...! I was gonna say I envy you Jude for being able to be so enthusiastic about sports, but then it dawned on me that if I'm capable of being enthusiastic about a pedal bin for three days in a row I may be quite "well off", myself...

Yes some snow here but not much. BTW I think you can see the building where I go to tai chi class on one of those web cam views, can't be sure but I think this must be it, so you can imagine our view at night when the lights are shining on the water, very zen.

Neti that piccy of you with a sword, it's very much like an animation I had in mind for you when I was making avatars but it didn't work out well as it's so much higher than it's wide, but yes it's very you isn't it!

Chas! You saying I need a new bra or something...?
yes, swedey that is so me! (at least let the others think so)
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Spitting image, Neti, spitting image. (Now send me the Campari.)
am down with some bug that is amking me achey tearful headachey and tired....back when normal service is resumed. DH is taking good care of me....I will not vanish again
Oh dear, there's a lot of it about woofy, this long winter is making us all feel low & run down & prone to bugs. Keep warm, get well soon. x

<shuffles about....c'mon Robi, you can do this....deep breath....aaaaand....go...

jno! how's the kitchen coming along?

<nervously waits for an answer from behind the settee>
oh just had another outing to Ikea to get a couple of cupboards... it turned out they were discontinuing the line so they cost about threepence each... the downside was the only Ikea that had any left was in Milton Keynes, so a bit of a trek.

Blimey... just watched the snow in Northamptonshire on telly... wasn't that bad in MK. But apparently there's some lack of grit in the south west, which I've suspected for years.

We are eating in the kitchen once more but will have to move out again when the man comes to put in a new floor next week, Robinia, thank you kindly for skirting around the question of my mental fragility. 135852322.jpg?v=0
oh that sounds promising then, won't be long before it all falls into pla.....
oh no, I didn't mean....not fall, no it won't fall anywhere....

there's no need to be so touchy....

> > > >
Please go back to the post for Cetti in A&N, it's terrible, she's lost her husband, I'm really shocked & saddened by her news....I don't know what to say.
Oh poor cetti, that is so tragic.

I hear you are all still having snow, especially in Devon and that way. Ibiza has been selling salt to Britian, so shout if you need any, we still have loads.

I'd give anything to waken up one morning to a snowy scene and that lovely quietness that come with it (if one ignores the calls of the stranded motorists!) Take care all of you, I know it's not a joke to be stuck with all that snow. << wipes the sweat off my brow and staggers out into the boiling sun>> he he, not really!!!
Sorry woofy hope you feel better soon.

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