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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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<< load of mizogs - thinks neti, as she skips off into the sun>>
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Well I for one did...! Come up the Thames in a bucket! Waving a blue-and-yellow flag! Ha ha that's a funny expression, I'll try to remember it.

Grump away, possums, we can take it.

Most old boys have a wee problem don't they - does he seem very troubled by it?

Now you just go off on your holiday jno, we'll have everything fixed for you when you return. too much?
true, shaney, when I think of the Ed snowed in by an inch of white stuff it certainly puts my petty problems in perspective
eee, I came up Trent in a dolly tub....wi' a hole in it...been a hard life... :o) <hums Captain Pugwash theme>

oh heck it's an epidemic...mizmogenza...or is it an 'itis...or an 'algia? hahaha, you've been saving that one up Jude...Maybe we could take our show on the road 'The Mizmog Monologues' ....but we might need a little help with crowd control

He's not bothered by it Kit (a couple of very spontaneous accidents), but it could be the start any one of the older dog ailments...

(can't believe he [Ed] actually used that as an excuse...a little more creativity's required, my imaginary friend could give him a few lessons)
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PMSL@ crowd control!!

> > > > > > <evil cackle>
right, must get to work on my complexion before going on holiday
Hey we could tour the world, we could be famous with "Les mizogs"
cirque du mizogerry?
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Try this out for yourselves, it's spellbinding - feels just like paper!
Question Author
Read all about it, read all about it - "a lovely person going by the name Robinia" has been blogged about!

(Stumbled across you in Recent posts Robinia.)
Mamma Miz
The Sound of Mizic
TheMizmogs of Oz
Thoroughly Morose Mizzy

Yes Sweedie thanks a bunch, now I won't be able to totter round the cake shop without being papped

<whispers> there was no snow last night as forecast, just lots of rain, and it's all thawed apart from a few blobs, & I can see green grass & blue sky! And I'm about to peg out! Deep joy! <don't get excited Robi, it's only weather>

I love that writing gizmo Kit, how do you save it tho? I don't get the save option when I right click
Question Author
No it's a flash thingy so you can't download it the usual way. I use the snipping tool. *waves scissors* Ain't no need to hide behind the couch, yokel, he he he! Robi if you don't have Vista? the function itself will still be there but may of course go by another name. Search for the function screenshot, screen dump or screen capture on your puta.
Dear oh dear .why are men so squeamy at times .
I took part in that bowel cancer screening thing recently and got a letter this morning saying it was clear .Something to be joyful about on a dull day ! Mr S got a test kit in the same post and now he's muttering ".Oh how am I going to manage that ...Oh I don't fancy doing that ".....
Jesus wept .I said to him if he had to go and have his bazooms squashed on a regular basis or have a speculum shoved up his whatnot he'd have something to mutter about . Sigh
It's been blowing a gale and pelting down all night here .I suppose because we have had no snow they thought they've give us double bubble with rain .Bah .
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The Mizoganists
I am not having a movie camera stuck up my bum thank you very mucg!!!
woot, international fame for Robinia! The go-to girl for Sam & Dave stuff worldwide.

Can't believe it, I have just got a �400 bill - for water. I shall write back and tell them I now have my own supplier. For reasons unknown to me, when the house was built the drain outside was not put at the lowest point, so it sits serenely above the lake that now covers the back garden. I shall have to go out and sweep the water uphill to get rid of it. Bah.
jno are you solely responsible for the flooding in Cheltenham???
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Afternoon possumistas, I�ve been out shopping for gift wrapping paper - my friend�s and her twin sister�s party this Saturday, and Sunday is my eldest sister�s birthday. I�ll be sending her a few pressies. Wish we lived closer to each other, seems we hardly ever meet. Anyways, there was a three man band playing the saxophone, trumpet and accordion on the sidewalk and they were real good, felt like New Orleans. (I imagine.)

Can�t say I blame your hubby Shaney - I�m very primitive when it comes to doctors and nurses and all who travel with them. It�s as if I believe that they will make me ill�! My friend who�s a nurse is the same� well, not officially of course, but off the record. She says better not look, �cos there�s always something there to be found, even it wasn�t what you were looking for. Nota bene I�m not expressing a point of view here, I�m telling you I�m a cave woman when it comes to hospitals.

When will you be leaving, jno? And when will you be back?

Tai chi tonight � you too Jude? (No yours is in the morning isn�t it.)

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