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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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Morning all.
The police have set up a roadblock again so cut off from the outside world.The roundabout we use is about a thousand feet above sea level so it gets mighty cold up there and the snow ploughs are working overtime.And of course no daily sport...tut..!
but I can always log into the latest news about jno's kitchen
much more interesting...than looking at the sport..of course...:O(
I had an e.mail from trueprint,and I thought it said 20 free pints..hehe..! I binned it..!!
yep..terrible news about cetti,didnt know what to say,she use to use the pub i use to go in years ago and lived a couple of miles from my sister.So we had a few laughs about that dodgy pub.On the door it said no tinkers no hippies and no rockers..! you walked inside and it was full of them...including me..(:O)anyways i can clean a couple of carpets local so better pull me finger out.catch you later...
take care you northern grockles>>>>>
ooops sorry woof...get better soon...xx
Hi all
Poor Cetti how awful for her.Puts all your moans and groans into perspective when you hear something like that .

Hope you are all OK .We have no snow Vinny ! Not a flake thank goodness .It looks nice when it snows until it becomes all sludgy and slushy !.Alright for dogs and little'uns though I suppose .
Hope you feel better soon Woofy that old bug is a bggr .Take care xx
I'm pleased to see that Jno's kitchen is nearing completion ..I keep polishing my tiara :))
Shaney I would have bet jno's kitchen on you having more snow than what we did..what a weird week...!I put some becks in the garden wednesday night..and I still cant find it...Im gonna buy a glass detector.I was looking at some art books,and me putta made a weird noise and the ole srceen turned upside down...?Ive got a really stiff neck.I had to type in " me srceens gone upside down."..wat to i do...with me ead upside down sideways..good ole google...sussed it outwe are yer know ..(:O)
oh ay up hippy :o) you're ok then, have you got leccy or are you pedalling for Britain? I was just watching the news & the chaos down dere in Devon, a bit scary if you were stuck in it, especially with little uns. And those village shops with bare shelves! Haven't yokels ever heard of stockpiling soup? tut, I'll have to come & teach em a thing or two
be prepared!

<oh booger, wrong cupboard..... Leccy...
me mate beaver got me putta running off works brilliant..just dont light up a spliff..((((Bang))) I could end up in ibiza. and then she'd get me cleaning her windows to sort out her Smear problem..!(:O)
one day..when im gone..i wanna be one of those clouds in the sky..yer know the one's when your lying in the garden sun bathing and you look up and say..that looks like a greek god and you look at it and it looks like .benjamin franklin ..!i saw two dolphins in the sky today.(((*)*))
play loud big screen if you wanna>>>
ps..thanks robinia..fer cettis birthday thingy..we would have never known.And in some tiny way we may have ..dunno..umm..made her feel a little better..i do hope so.
Well yesterday I thought I'd wandered into Devon, we had 2 huge hailstorms with hailstones the size of marbles, really painful, and so noisy, cat was screaming in fright at the back door and couldn't get down (she was in a porch so not actually getting hurt), so I had to rush out and grab her, and she was yelping at me. The came the rain, oh unbelievable. Now today although it's rather chilly about 12� the sun is lovely and it's very windy so no need to use the tumble dryer.

And how are you all???
Greetings from the frozen north, it's so bloomin cold, it hurts to breathe. I've done a tour of my grounds & fed the birds. They were so pleased to get a dish of water, they've been queueing up & fighting to get at it. I should have put 'em a tot of sommink in it, I could have put a ring around them & sold tickets........

Lovely video & music Vinny. I was so busy watching it I missed my mouth - yes, yes,how did that happen? - & dropped a blob of strawberry yoggy all over my keyboard, tut. Actually the 't' has worn off, I wonder why that is?
More often than not the clouds in my sky are (mi)ducks or dragons :o).... so next time one floats over your way......
And yes, I know what you mean about Cetti. I'd been undecided all morning about posting 'cos of the 'chat' police or the trolls.

Be careful on those roads! That doddery old gal slip sliding down the middle of the road, might just be me....
...actually no, it won't, I've not planned on going anywhere today. Knock 3 times on the ceiling if you want me
(they're photos with lights behind, good eh?)

Greetings from sunny snowless Norfolk .Mind you it's very cold .
I just know that come summer it will be blazing hot in Woolly and raining here :)
I've had to resort to shaking my snow globe in sympathy .
Postman has just been and still no gold edged invitation to tour Jno's kitchen.
Keep warm everyone and take care .
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Afternoon, possums. Did you know that after pausing YouTube (the phone rang) it's possible to turn the clip back on by (inadvertently) hitting the space bar with your bazooms when sitting down again at the desk...? No...? It is! Most of my actions seem inadvertent these days...

Spent yesterday chasing around town for the right kind of batteries for my zen alarm clock and for something to wear at my friends' 100th birthday party. When I got home I was going to come on here and ask one of yous to chop my feet off but instead I had two glasses of wine and went out like a light - so sorry I missed a disco, Vinny. <He's not supposed to do them on Fridays is he!> Any of you seen ghosts of mississippi, it's about the assassination of Medgar Evers, as is Dylan's Only A Pawn In Their Game. Good song, good film.

So Ibiza has to deliver your salt, Britain... and I hear Ulrika's been deriding you, deeming you incompetent in dealing with snow, as opposed to surviving world wars. Oh dear. Just between you and me she doesn't know what she's talking about - it's exactly the same over here, public transportation falling apart at least once every winter, outcries in the press, everyone wondering why snow seems to come as a surprise year after year after year after...

Yes well done Robinia for posting a thread for Cetti's birthday. I hardly know her but she answered a few questions for me in the past and yes I too am convinced that your thread will have meant a lot to her. Well done!

You're darn right you won't disappear again Woofy - we won't let you!

saturday afternoon disco to make up for the one I missed. Ane Brun is Norwegian but she lives in Sweden these days.
whimper... well, it was true, the only cupboards were in Milton Keynes and we had to pick them up in person... but the only shelves for the cupboards were in Edmonton so we had to go halfway round London to pick them up too. What a masterful display of Ikea stock control... grrrr... never used to happen when I was a bairn... Ikea was just a little corner shop then and they'd give you sweeties while mam bought herself a bathroom... Ike B used to work there in those days, you know, it was before Ike A squeezed him out and started building the empire...
Yes Kit you're right, even Canada grinds to a halt when the winter snows fall....ok, so there's a bit more than our 3 inches. You might want to have word with a certain yokel about our country's salt shortage
shame on you Vincent

hmmm....jno if you'd waited until you were asked about the kitchen then we could have made ourselves comfortable & been ready with a sympathetic ear

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I don't know... never seen such an incompetent nation in all my life... you have to do everything for them... tell them how to use a snow shovel... tell them how to shop at IKEA... it's a marvel they can manage to tie their own shoestrings in the morning...
Look, jno <can't believe I have to tell her this>, at the checkout in Milton Keynes you should naturally have told the cashier that you were also going to IKEA in Edmonton, and she would naturally have provided you with a proper vehicle on loan...! Goes without saying, think nothing of it! Jaysus...

I liked that ceiling, Robinia. /The not-listening little guy, what kind of animal is that? I made a ****-up of roosters and hens in A&N the other day so I daren't even guess...
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My mistake. Should of course have written "I made a rooster-up".
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hahahaha....brilliant!!! I can't stop laughing....

I think it's a meerkat Kit....or is it a meerkit Kat....
I'm still shaking my snow globe and if Jno must go to out of the way places like Ikea then it's no wonder the grand tour is on hold .I have put my tiara in cold storage .Tut . Most annoying as I had bought a matching handbag .
That Ikea in Croydon is like Hades on a good day so no wonder you were whimpering in Edmonton . i would have been screaming the place down :))
You know what the Germans say about IKEA ....runs>>>>>>>>>
tut, can you believe them there Nosnowfolk?
<catapults some their way> > > >
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Oh they are so cute...! Meerkats.

What, Shaney, what do they say? *prepares a plate of ammo*

Is this what you're talking about or am I just being thick.

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