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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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Oh crikey ..are you off on your travels Jno ?

We are getting a charabanc up to go and peep through your kitchen window while you are away .We'll try and be discreet. One and six a ticket and Robinia is supplying the sdn sandwiches .
Bon Voyage m'dear .Have a lovely time .
Your Sveedish version of 'Arold and Albert is very good Kit I can't understand any of it .Was he nagging the old boy about smoking or something ?
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Yup that's it exactly Shaney. The coughing brings a you-oughta-stop-smoking discussion on and dad repliesThat reminds me, did you get me some more, this is the last fag I've got... Mustn't let you forget your Old Norse must we now Shaney!
I am not off for another week, shaney, but my kitchen will only be open to trained archaeologists who can appreciate grand ruins.

Well, well, jno jnr has demonstrated to me how to play CDs on the computer while listening to them through headphones. Whenever I tried it the sound just vanished altogether and I could only retrieve it by rebooting the whole shebang. So 20 years of expensive education has finally borne fruit. If only he could figure out how to mow lawns. (Or, at the moment, sweep them free of water.)
Oh dear me, poor jno it does soubds as it you have the same kitchen fitters as my sister had, after at least 2 years hers is still a mess (luckily it's only a holiday flat in London) and now she takes her son-in-law along to get it all straight!

Other sissy is losing her hair now and had to have a blood test just before her chemo last week which took 3 attempts to get the blood,and when it came back OK they were just preparing the chemo when matron said No way, it'll come out of her arm! Well I was shocked. She finally had it a day later, but this time she didn't feel so well after, and rather weepy and she is not a weepy person, poor thing
Local fiesta here today so very quiet until the local band starts up in 20mins and they make an awful racket. Unfortunately they pratice near me, so cannot avoid it!!!!(and boy, do they need pratice!!)
good morning all gald to see you are all here and chatting still. Mystery virus contini=ues and now I have a cough as well. Does anyone know which cough mixture is better- rum or whis=ky?
Going back to sleep now
Hi Woofy I had Megazones for the cough and found them quite good. Get well soon.
I still have a bit of a cough but feel a lot better. Hope you do soon.

And the rest of you hope you are all ok. Poor you Jno I had B & Q to plan and fit my kitchen and I have to say they were brilliant even though I have heard people who weren't happy with them but I definitely was. Mind you it's been in about 3 years and is now almost outdated.

My computer man has arrived now so see you later :o)

morning mizzes
3 year old kitchen outdated?
<turns & gazes despondently in direction of scullery.....>

Get well soon woofy, it doesn't half drag on, I don't think I'll ever be normal again...ravaged I am, ravaged.

<sigh> we're never gonna crack the US with our show now, they've slapped a ban on the term biddy....and
codger, coot, crone, fogey, old fart etc....tut...back to scrubbing board mi dears....

Right, I'm off to put the kettle on, why should my ears be the only ones whistling? It's National Tinnitus week, so I've turned mine up to celebrate...oh bing bong


Sring ain't sprung, the grass ain't riz,
I wonder where the mizmogs iz.....?


btw, I was sorry to read your sister's finding it tough going now neti, how much longer has she got to go with the chemo? I hope she starts to feel stronger soon.

Morning All I've really started sommat with the Mizogs havn't I!! It's a really old fashioned word innit Robi . Anyway it;'s a bit better day today except first thing this morning I was out with my brush and dustpan and black bag clearing the road of a big pile of rubbish which had excaped from a wheelie bin somehow. So that was my good deed for the day.
Shaney I misssed Master chef last night as it was my nephew's birthday and I went round to see him but I shall be watching the semi finals next week. I suppose the Judges are a bit over the top but I really enjoy it.

Hope all of you are ok and that you feel better Woofy. And Neti thinking about your sister and I hope she gets through her treatment without too much discomfort. My friend's daughter has recently been diagnosed with breast cancer and has to have an operation and chemo. She is in her 40's and we are all thinking about her too.

I'm just listening to Popmaster on Radio 2 then I'm off out.

See yer later 'gaters(s)!!

Well hello my mizogmates, by 'eck it's cold here today AND I LOVE IT! been busy on Facebook chatting to nephews and nieces cos that's all they know.

Thanks for sissy's best wishes, it's a bummer isn't it?

Come on woofy old mizog, I'm the only only who really suffers on here! Have some whiskey, then you'll be all over the place!!
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Afternoon, miz� something. What is it! When I search for "mizog" Urban Dictionary assures me it's a lesbian kitten from Big Brother 5 UK and when I search "mizmog" Google asks me if I meant to say minimoog. I'm at my wits' end here possums, if I'm gonna join some kind of travelling salvation show together with the rest of yous I think I need to know what's involved! I mean is it playing the minimoog or is it that other stuff ha ha ha! Jude is it a Derby word? Can't find it in my oldfashioned dictionary either.

It's horrible, Neti, when someone you're close to is going through such a rough time. Really gets to you when someone who isn't "weepy" cries. Her son too must be going through his own kind of hell right now - it's good to know you all have each other at this time.

Possums I can't keep up with the art of makeup anymore, I tried to buy some yesterday and I didn't understand half the words the salesgirl used. Eyeliner and mascara used to be it, but now� had to go on YouTube to find out how it's done. Cheeesus, a person could effin' graduate in this! If I start now I may be ready for tomorrow's 100th birthday party�?
I wasn't going to come back on here today, but you only need one hand to eat chs on tst & I was at a loss as what to do with t'other, so here I is....

Oh the mystery of make-up, too little = can't see it...too much = panto dame.....hahaha, you've been spying on me haven't you Sweedie? I had to give my slap-bag a good sort out only a few hrs ago, I was looking for a mini mascara that had come as a freebie...found it eventually, but not in there <sigh>... I'm throwing a lot of eye makeup out, partly 'cos of the recent infection & mainly 'cos some of the price stickers are in �'s, shillings & pence.

oh, hang on this could be just the job

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I need one of those kits! I've got blue powder down my cheeks, I just give up. Seems to me you need ten different brushes nowadays and three of each kind to keep the colours clean. I have an old Biotherm kajal stick and I love it to pieces but it's been discontinued and I realize I have to learn some new tricks... erm... some other day.
You mean to say you have only just chucked that old spit mascara after all these years Robinia ? Tut !
I just need a whole new body let alone makeup :)
Sorry about your sister Neti I hope things go well for her and that she turns a corner soon and feels better .
Hope everyone else is fair to middling .
Whispers ...we had some snow last night and it laid !
It looked very nice when I looked out of the window on my usual 3am trip to the bathroom but was all gone by the time I put in an appearance this morning .
Take care one and all and have a nice weekend .
here you go Woofy .
my snow landed on me at 5pm last night when I was innocently walking to the osteopath. By the time I came out (slightly unknotted) it had turned to sleet, then it became rain. Not at all pretty, but at least it stayed above freezing. Sorry about your sister, neti; you can probably cheer her up the way you cheer me up, by reminding me that it would be nicer on a warm island somewhere.

Slap advice from oop north: n/30/lauren-luke-youtube-makeup
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Ha ha ha jno there's a dog snoring in the background throughout the entire video...! "Urban Dicky" (Urban Decay) had me in stitches!
Hi All just nipped in to say goodnight. Yet another Friday night goes by and I've not gone out. Getting a right Mizog aren't I? Kit Mizog is a word meaning miserable person. I think it's a local word to Derbyshire.

Anyway I'm yawning now so I'll say goodnight and hope you all have a peaceful weekend whatever you're doing.

Bye for now. :o)

P.S. Where are you Vinny? Busy drawing I bet!
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G'night Jude and all.
oh dear, all been washed away, I'm not surprised
Morning jno et al...I'm not washed away, just washed up...

Happy Valentine's Day & all that jazz

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