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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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me first!!
Anyone watching "Hello goodbye" on Sky One, I'm in tears every 5 mins!

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Ooops, sorry 'bout that, Dolly, I should have known Robi would run you down, she's shameless. She does it at the shopping centre too, I'm sure she and Jude are in that picture somewhere he he he! (You suppose that's how Vinny sometimes feels on here with all of us�?)

Just googled that Hello Goodbye thingy Neti, that's a great idea for a series. I hear the Brits have banned smooching at the train station though, how about airports. I don't like it when people are all over each other in public places, but surely at a train station�??

So did you decide on a bed, Robinia? Just as I'd decided on a particular, Danish futon, IKEA launched a new collection, including a bed called veranda and I fell heads over heels for it, well at least for the picture � haven't seen it IRL. Looks too�(erm, whatever the opposite of wide is) though, so I'll probably work my mind back to the Dane again, just giving myself some time to mull this one over. Anyways, I'm so happy with my pedal bin I don't really have to buy anyting else for a long long while ha ha ha.

Glad to see you're staying with us jno. Does your sister have a paper bag over her head as well ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! (Meaning is she as secretive as you.) Yes I can see it now, the two of you reuniting at the airport in the Australian counterpart to Hello Goodbye, both with paper b- >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

(Well somebody's got to do the wooshing around here innit.)
I haven't got Sky neti

Oh very nice Kit and you'll be able to air your bloomers & wooly vests over the top bars, haha. No I haven't decided on a bed yet, it won't be anything stylish, just a divan, I can't see it if I'm asleep.... but there are sooooo many.

What, no snogging at the station?...they'll be banning tutting next...!

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Afternoon possumistas, this is just to let y'all know I wrote our Dolly an email today regarding political emails and after careful consideration I decided the best thing to do was to send a copy to each of you. Anyone hasn't received it, please let me know.

I called IKEA about the measurements of that bed, the Veranda, and it's actually quite wide enough so now I'm all undecided again! Blurgh!
oh 'tis you is it sweedie who's put the kybosh on my mails? Can't get any at the moment, I'll have to restart & see if that does the trick...
sorry for being absenty, but am playing childish games on Yoville and shopping on it - great!
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(Just now sent you the copy again, Robinia.)
Oh dear, swede I would have preferred that to remain between the two of you. There are many things on here that I don't agree with, and lots of situations of mine that many on here do not understand, so I just ignore it, it's easier that way. I do hope Dolly doesn't disappear. I'm not taking sides and have no wish to discuss it further.
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I do know what you mean Neti. It's not an easy matter and I'm not at all saying I did the right thing. I totally respect your decision not to discuss it any further (and I wasn't looking for a discussion.) I too hope you won't disappear, Dolly - hopefully Dolly you will have noticed that part of my letter and perceived it as sincere. It was.
Nicely put kit thanks
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Well I for one am feeling tense... We decidedly need some testoste- � oh! meant to say: we decidedly need some music in here, girls. Never can watch mick without smiling <3 how about yous.
well I'm still not able to receive mail at all :o(
it was working ok this morning...
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No worries Robinia, I'll just post it to my blog and you can read it there. (Kidding, Dolly, just kidding!)

Thanks Neti for being the straight shooter that you are - your post here made me see that I didn't at all put myself clearly when I sent the copies. They were just FYI copies, I should have said that, I'm sorry I didn't and I'm saying it now: Please don't feel, any of you, that I'm expecting you to comment in any way. I trust you all, including you Dolly, to know me well enough to know I'm not trying to sow the seeds of dissent, I'm really just trying to do what's right, and heaven knows I don't find it easy to know what's right. Now feel free to drop the subject, y'all.
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Hi all. Just want you all to know that if the general consensus should turn out to be that I've done something horrible, I will gracefully back out of the biddy community. You were all here before I was, it is I who should leave.

I have no regrets today, just a deep sadness in thinking that I may have made my presence here impossible by doing what I felt was the only thing I could do. There you have it, this is who I am.

There's one thing I'd like you all to know and it's this: I do not feel I've betrayed some kind of trust by making my reaction known to the rest of you. Political debate is by its very nature public and I do feel � strongly � that anyone who keeps my email address on an extremist mailing list that I've repeatedly and in no uncertain terms asked to be removed from must also grant me the right to react. I would never, ever, ever have made "public" any other kind of correspondence between Dolly and me or between any of you and me.

Having said all this, I still stand by what I told you in my letter, Dolly: I think you're great fun in so many ways and I hope you stay part of us and I hope I do too.
Kit it's no big thing, I just think that it should be left between you and the other party, we may have our opinions, but it's nothing to do with any of us. I just think its embarrassing for poor >Dolly.
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I do see that. Thanks Neti for not leaving me hanging, I appreciate your talking with me like this.

But there are limits. None of you know how many times I asked � nicely and in private � in the past to please please please be removed from this mailing list. Please please please please please please for the love of god please please please � and so on. Until I blew. You all probably remember that when I � finally � blew, I did it in semi-public - by mistake. This was during the short period of time when we were experimenting with a Yahoo group and when I replied to Dolly in private � so I thought � my reply automatically went out to all of you and was posted on our group wall in Yahoo. That was bad. I did not choose my words well, I did not choose my action.

This time I did. I did not see how I could write that kind of letter without being open about it, I felt it would have been an act of cowardice on my behalf not to say Look y'all, this is what's going on, this is what I have done.
No way was I in the wrong to react to Dolly. I may have done the wrong thing sending copies to you all. It was a difficult decision. I made it the best way I knew how.

This silence speaks volumes � even if I'm not sure exactly what it's saying. At the very least I know I've made you all sad. I am so sorry � but mates, we all have to live with ourselves, we all have to face the woman in the mirror and the man.

I'll take a time out now and we'll see if it's possible for you all to feel you would like me to return in the future. Please don't any of you rush in to say so immediately � let's give it some time. I ain't going nowhere, I'll still be here when we've all calmed down and healed, let's give ourselves some time, okay? Bye now.
Now now Kit we do not want you to go anywhere, twill be a very lonely and quiet place without you and your interesting comments like Fatboy of which I have never heard.
A' I is at last, computer probs sorted (but I need a new printer, don't last long do they?)

Silence? Since when have I been silent? Here's my two penn'orth & then it'll be over with as far as I'm concerned.
When I receive mail with undesirable content shall we say, I delete it. Doesn't matter who sent it, I assume if that's the way it is for them then they have to live with or by that. Maybe I'm being immature by appearing to turn a blind eye/deaf ear, maybe I'm being lazy for not dealing with it & it might seem I'm agreeing in some way when I'm really not, but that's me. Perhaps it should have been between the two of you, as neti said, but it's done now, you dealt with it your way Kit. I totally understand what you're saying, you've been angered by it happening again when you'd asked for it not to. We all have a gasket blowing threshold.
It's not going to influence my opinion of you one way or t'other Kit, no need to disappear anywhere, everyone on here is different. So be it.
I'm leaving the subject, but not necessarily the building :o)
Lovely bright sunny day, nice 'n breezy to blow the bloomers.

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