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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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Afternoon All I'm still resting my leg even though I went for a very short drive to the supermarket. So now I'm in for the rest of the day. Will probably have read my Stephen King book (600 odd p-ages) within the next fortnight. In reality I think I will be out again at the end of this week. I will go stir crazy otherwise.
Actually Kit I didn't have cryotherapy in the end the Dr. cut it out.

Well that's enough of that I wont mention it again.

I'm off now to do my lunch. Hope you all have a good day!

Seems I'm in good company ,thought I was the only one to worry about anything and everything .Night time is the perfect time for worrying ,I get to get up ,make a cup of tea and put some soothing music on while I rock in my armchair .Some two hours later I'm ready to sleep!
Well we are getting some rain here at last and they say lots more to come ,no brown grass this year. Could have done with the floods in N.QLD being down in Victoria last week ,Black Saturday Feb.7th is described as being the worst day in Australian civil history.Heartbreaking .
Time for cocoa and bed and I wish you all recover soon and thanks Jude hope you are soon up and dancing again .
hi Dolly you ok? I can't get up in the night when I'm worritting cos I'm scared I'll see a cochroach ( we don't get that many, but I'm still scared I'll see one). Mind you whjen daughter was out and about and needing me, I would get up at anytime for her. If I ever have to get up I do so in the dark and keep the lights off.
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Afternoon, possums. Just as I was waking up this morning(-ish) I had this weird dream that to load the washing machine I had to put the laundry (the actual textiles themselves) into the machine in html code strings, now that's worrying! Your astrologer's line of reasoning reminded me of this chinese tale Robinia. So we're all worriers, perhaps we should tour as Vinny & the Worry Dolls instead, ha h. Although Vinny seems to have started the tour without us :-(((

I'll study that cryo-thing later Woofy and Jude - I suddenly got cold feet� Now that Robinia's created Tutting you should invent the One Legged Dance, Jude. Don't know which one I'll introduce but I'm sure it'll involve spinning around in circles.

You'll keep us posted on Sam the koala won't you Dolly (saw her in Animals&Nature and she's been all over the news so I guess you've all seen her too, the thirsty koala from the bushfires.)

Hafe a safe journey jno, I'll miss you, do try to pop by the thread now and then won't you. Speaking of travels, I think Neti has been secretly revisiting Sweden � you did once mention your past operatic training so you might as well fess up ha ha ha�
good evening Worriers...Obsessives...Whittlers.... now there's a name for us The WOWs...
I don't need to put the light on in the night, there's a street light opposite my bedroom, saves my leccy....but there is always that thing like you neti - what I don't see I won't worry about. Not roaches, just mozzies (in the summer) or spiders hovering above the bed. I'm not scared by them, I'd just rather not share the duvet with them.

I've been meaning to thank you Dolly for the pic you sent of Sam the Koala, I looked at it for ages (vid on youtube too) it was so poignant, it was a dreadful thing that happened, the terror those people felt is unimaginable.
Speaking of poignant (well sort of) there was a rather plump frog in the back passage(!) when Chas went out about an hour ago, the first I've seen this year. It needed to be ushered out or it would have been locked in between the back door & garden so I gently tapped it on the bum with the garden brolly....and it flattened itself, well, as low as a fat frog can, & put it's hands over it's head! Bless the poor thing! I know so well how it felt, haha, I often feel like that.
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Aawwww�.! I've never seen a frog do that, it must have seemed almost human to you at that moment Robinia.

Tonight was really cold as I walked to my tai chi class � you know, in that crisp sort of way that makes all the lights shine even brighter across the water. There were four of us tonight plus our teacher; it's great when there are so few students, that gives him the opportunity to work individually with us and for me that means more light bulb moments.

Just had a look at my friend's blog, she's writing about her birthday party, the band and how she and her sis will possibly post some footage on YouTube. Scares me that I didn't even notice anyone was filming�! I'd make a very poor eye witness if it ever came to that�
good moaning, <yawn>...

wakey, wakey....I had all of ONE hour's sleep <sigh> so why should you lot be sawing logs? tut....There was a blackbird singing his beak off between 1 & 2.30am!! Guess he couldn't sleep either, this brief mild spell's woken up the wildlife.
Better go & make myself look human, my sister's coming today which will be a nice change.

hope you're ok Vin
Morning all - lovely day here, still slightly queasy, shouldn't have made a curry last night! YesKit my singing is more like caterwauling these days althought still remarkably better than the rest of my families singing voices! Apparently one has to keep in training and anyway I had strained my voice and should have been quiet for 3 months and well, you can guess!!

Yes, Robi even when I am visiting Eastbourne I go to the bathroom and bed in the dark as I am terrified of spiders, although I'm not sure if it's them that I'm scared off, or the fear of them, know what I mean?
Oh deary me, I do apologise for that loud singing, now perhaps you'll understand.
Morning All I'm fed up of stopping in ao I'm off to my sister's this afto for a cuppa. she works in a Dr's Surgery and finishes about 2.30. So that's my afternnon taken care of.

I had a bad night last night too Robi I find if I have a long nights sleep the previous night I have a sleepless one next. I usually end up watching the box for an hour or 2. I heard a dawn chorus early this morning, like you say the temperature gave the birds a false dawn or something.

Kit at the end of a Tai chi lesson do you have a few minutes or so of silence where you all think about something.For example we stand in a circle and hold our left hands facing up and right hand facing down over and above the peoples hands we are standing next to. A bit hard to describe but we don't hold hands just hover over each others. I bet you all think I'm a nut case but I find it all very relaxing so it can't be bad. We all concentrate on the same thought, for instance last week we thought about all the poor people in Australia in those terrible fires.

Anyway that's enough of that.

What I want to know is where's Vincent Van Who'sit gone too. Hope you are alright Vin Thinking about you.

Hope you all have a good day bye for now :o) x

That sounded a bit harsh saying that's enough of that after talking about the people in Australia. I didn't mean it to sound like that it was just that I was going on abit about Tai Chi.
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Oh dear, now you're gonna have to officially apologize to Sam the koala, Jude. (A site called TMZ had to do that, after making a joke about that video.) Just kidding, Jude, we know you didn't mean it that way. I have an acquaintance in Bendigo, hope he's okay. He's the one I mentioned who was so hell-bent on learning Swedish when he lived here that he translated a book of boring municipality facts, ha ha, oh I do hope he's okay. Back to your question Jude, no we don't do anything like what you describe but we do remain silently standing with eyes closed for a minute or so after finishing the form. But you see there's a qi gong class immediately before tai chi and most of the people who attend tai chi also attend the qi gong and when they come out into the corridor they do look newly awakened :-)

Yes I miss that man too, horribly � just getting a bit tired of hearing myself saying that. Did you think we wouldn't notice that you're not around, yokel? We notice!! Please be here Vinny, it's like the technicolor comes on when you enter our biddy boudoir. (Boudoir? Technicolor? Whoever said "don't mix your metaphors" may have had a point� but it's SO heartfelt and you know what I mean even if it's not so well phrased.)

Haven't slept either, Neti's singing kept me awake. (Oh I know I've posted it before but I just can't help myself, it's so funny, and anyway Woofy wasn't around when I posted it the first time, so� so I'm gonna rerun all my old jokes and pictures and videos and blame it on you Woofy �!
oh heck, we're a bit thin on the ground in here....well one of us is.. :o)
We've been testing beds in a store...only a local one (Jude would be very familiar with it) but we're not fussy & after 60 mins shut-eye last night frankly a park bench would have felt comfy. One was lovely, it was topped with memory's time I had a new bed, it might help me sleep better. Sadly no camel hair duvets but, after I'd lolled on a few divans, plenty of dog hairs, haha....

ooh, I've managed to get online by switching off security on sis's computer -won't she be pleased. Well, it's warm but not much sun. Went to the mall to get some food for dinner - two lushus steaks, with teriyaki marinade; total cost $10 which is maybe four quid. Yum! I could live like this.
Morning all - ohjno you devil, glad you can still be here.

Robi< do you and jude know each other in the real world?

Have a big fat lip due to a cold sore, most unattractive!
oh jasus, not again, so so sorry
morning....oooh a good night's sleep, bliss...well except for the fact I can't move my shoulder & one side of my neck, obviously didn't move about enough. Hey ho.

yoohoo jno...very humbled that you've dragged yourself away from your lushus steak to be with us, haven't they ever heard of shin beef?.....tut
And if that doesn't get the hippy running in waving his tivalls I don't know what will.

Real world neti?! You mean there still is one?
No we don't, but I'm sure one day we will, we'll probably meet at the dentist when neither of us can speak. :o)
(Hope your leg's healing well Jude).

Lovely morning so far & the winter honeysuckle's finally coming into flower, about 8 weeks late compared to recent years, it smells heavenly.....a glimmer of hope.

There you are robi I told you Spring was only round the corner ,honeysuckle blooming,birds twittering ,what more could you ask for. Sam,the koala ,was very badly burnt but now he's being looked after by a team of people headed by a man who has lost everything in the Fires. 10,000 animals at lest lost their lives in the fires, includes horses ,dogs etc.
But everyone who can help is doing so ,money is flowing in to the Red Cross who have promised that every cent will go to the Victims.
Went to see a film today called "The International " with Clive Owen in it ,he's really yummy in a very masculine way. Oh dear better go and get my cocoa and come back down to Earth ! Goodnight all !
ooooh Dolly, Clive Owen! my favourite yummy hunk....sweet dreams!
Dolly Behave yourself, no drooling over men on here please!!!!

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