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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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These computer problems are catching . Mine is running soooo sloooooow in spite of shovelling coal into it. It seems to slow down when I log into AB . perhaps they are trying to tell me something .
I'm now stumbling along on this laptop.
We are both very stressed. Mr S has been poorly and we are still trying to sort out my Mum in laws affairs .So as far as I am concerned the above^^^^^ is a lot of hot air ...and there is enough of that on here in the News section without bringing it in here .
Old saying in Germany .....Sauf dich voll und fri� dich dick, und halt das Maul von Politik. ......( and all other sensitive issues when in good company )
But ..what's said is said .Personally I think poor Dolly has been made to look a fool and I doubt we we will see her again . She is entitled to her opinions as we all are and if you don't like them then sort it out privately .Don't bring it in here !
Toodlepip for now all ..take care .
I've heard from Dolly and she said yes she was upset, but will still be here cos she loves our little (!) escapades, so all's well.
hello all, okay bored with this now. Got over the sleeping thing so went up to Mum's last week to meet sisiters and finish off clearing out. Cme home, and woke up this morning with thi=undering toothache which can't get seen till monday so have take an inordinate (but safe!! ) amount of apinkillers ands will stay dped up till monday. Will be quite diinhibited on this regime so probably won't post again till sorted
this global village thing brings its own site I visit is mainly US I am sometimes suprised by things people psot on there as daily commonplace...its a very liberal and polite site (much like here without the rude jokes) Ithink that our generation more than any other has the most to do to forward global understanding Neti this does not mean flirting with any passing spaniard, vinny this does not mean getting polkish im migrants persisitent n scrumpy
just re read this obviuosly computer is on meds as well
Sorry about poor Mr S shaney, hope things become less difficult for you both soon...hopefully he'll be back to tin tidying before very long.

Well I lost you with a passing Spaniard there woofy... <medication? hmmmm, I reckon the woman's persisted>....good luck with the den...dent....daaaggghh, I can't say it!
He'll be fine . It's just all got to him and he's very stressed.
A child pitched up here last night with washing . ..Grr..
I inherited a waffle maker from Mum so we have not long had waffles with cherries and cream which he plagued for . It must have cost me ten quid to make the ruddy things !.
But they were most delish a stomach ache now :)
Nice to see you Woofy hope your toofy will soon be better.I don't like that man in a white coat much either ......
Well I know all about stress & how it can make you feel...makes you ill...which makes you more stressed...and round it goes. A few good night's sleep is what we all need....

....that & a little music. I'm listening to ELO in memory of Kelly Groucutt who's just sadly died, he was only 63....
as Vinny would say IF HE WAS HERE ....
Exhausting day, I would chase the Spaniards , but have 3 cold sores on my bottom lip (stress!) Carnival in Ibiza town tomorrow but don't think Mr N and I can be bothered, just a quiet lunch somewhere. Am off to bed, take care all my precious biddy mates. nite nite.
oh heck, what's Vinny gonna say when he sees mrs s's waffle-ised his plimsolls?

Good afternoon everyone. Where's that Vinny person of late?? Just been out to lunch and no wine or mussels today, totally missed the carnival (by choice) although I would really have loved to dance along with it. Still we have one here on Tuesday so I'll see that one.

Hope all are well on here, where's Jude also, has she been dancing the night away again!

Take care woofy get well soon.
Tis a lonely path i tread - Watched The curious case of Benjamin Button. Will pop back later, hopefully someone somewhere will visit.
Mornin'....You are not alone mi dear...well, I'm here in body, my head's lost in space somewhere...I think they're all putting their tiaras back in mothballs after th'Oscars neti.
I'll be back shortly I hope, phone calls to make if the world's woken up....
<<Rushes to greet Robi>> with open arms and sobs at relief cos the loneliness has gone - ahhhh! deep joy!>
<bounces off neti's bazooms> ooophhh!

Looks like the birds are at it, there are bits shredded off my basket liner & dropped on the ground. Charlie's looking worried cos that's a cue to call in the woman with instruments of torture so he can donate his coat to them to line their nests.
If I don't die with nerves in the next hour I'll be off to see a nice man with a view to having some hypnotherapy. Wonder if he can help me to be more bossy?
I've been hypnotised but honestly don't know if it worked, i'm still scared of spiders but haven't seen any, think i'm more frightened of the fear than the critters!!
I had hypnotherapy to give up smoking Didn't work .In fact I went back ..twice ..still didn't work . Apparently I am not a good subject for it .I am not open to auto suggestion according to the hypnotist .No good them trying to hypnotise moi then to see if was a serving wench back in 1495 :)
I wish someone could hypnotise me to sleep . Do you know when I was at work I used to get up at the crack of dawn and do housework and ironing and take the dog out before going off to my labours .And... sleep like a log of a night and wake up refreshed .I seem to take half the morning these days to even wake up .
Look into my eyes ..................................:)))
Oh that's a shame oldest went some months ago & hasn't smoked since, he's really happy, he's saved a lot. Tarquin went 3 days ago...... & hasn't smoked since either, haha. Had a good chat , it was interesting, I might give it a go. I've not had an entire night's sleep since I don't know when...won't be long 'til we've got the dawn chorus at 4am.

Well I do still smoke .I gave it up under my own steam for a good while but ...I have to admit that just lately I have been smoking again . Nowhere near the pack a day but when we were in Germany they are all puffing away so you tend to join in . .Naughty naughty .Nearly as bad as handbag fetishism Tut !
Watched UC earlier ..that Gail Trimble is one bright lady !
Morning all How are you all this morning. I'm still resting my leg so there's no Tai Chi for me today but my friends are coming over to take me out for lunch which makes a change as I always do the driving. Haven't been doing a deal aoart from reading Stephen King, knitting, (Still the Tank Top)!! I'm a slow knittter. I do about 10 rows and then I'm fed up and put it down. Done a bit of gentle gardening. Cutting all dead things off my plants and watching the 'box' which can be very boring at times. Anyway I hope you all have a good day. see yer later 'gaters xx
Morning...hope your leg's healing well Jude...enjoy your lunch - better stuff your face 'cos I'm wanting to know what you're all giving up for lent. Never mind the old 'I'm not religious' thing, I'll take care of all your chs, chclt & handbags for you....oh & hand over the cigs... <I can flog them to the old gals in the PO>...

Not too cold so I might do a bit of gentle snipping myself...
looks like Vinny's got a head start on us>

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