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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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or, for films there Mininova.
Are we all recovered yet? I do hope so .Toothache is almost as bad as childbirth! Whatever have you done with Vinny,he's not gone off around the world with jno has he and forgotten to tell anyone ?
The only thing you can do Robi is for you and judeto take an early holiday in Devon and have a scout round or failing that sit with your eyes glued to the camera at Woollacombe(sp) in he case he wanders by.
Well it's the Last day of Summer here today and the First day of Autumn tomorrow and it's going to be 37C .I just wish these Seasons were sort themselves out.
Did anyone make pancakes on Shrove Tuesday ? we forgot ,nobody mentions it over here. I bet neti is stockpiling Easter Eggs . Oh it's that time again cocoa and bedtime so bye for now (and I'm beginning to feel somewhat better mentally) Dolly xx
Wrong Dolly! not an Easter Egg to be had on the island yet, and I'd forgotten anyway, but now that you have reminded me, i'll ask the English shop (although what cost �1 in England costs us 15� here!!)
Mmmm - have just discovered Flora Buttery on crumpets, it's delicious and good for my heart, Yay!!!
morning tout....white rabbits & all that. It does actually look like spring here, lovely and sunny and fresh but I'm glad it's not 37C! That's enough to melt your lurpak before it gets on the toast...sorry neti I've tried all the other buttery/spready stuff but nothing's made me give up the real butter yet.
No pancakes for me Dolly I've not been keen on them since I left home & had to make my own (my mum's pancakes/yorkie puds were the best ever). Sons always made mine disappear faster than I could cook 'em though so they can't have been that bad. I think half the country's probably got a stash of Easter eggs, Sainsburys were selling them at �1 each a week or 2 ago & everyone in there had some....can't believe I bought some & not one for myself. What was I thinking? I really must be in a confused state. :o)

oh yes shaney, Alibi. I remember now..... <throws titfer on ground & jumps on it>....

Morning folks ..not lovely and sunny here ,dull and dismal .
It was nice yesterday though and I went shopping for things that were not food orientated for a change . I had a weak moment at the chip stall though :)
We only have waffles at Shaneytowers at the moment Dolly ...until the novelty wears off . Which hopefully will be sometime soon .It's a lot of faffing around .
I may order that Dandelion Dead Robinia .I can't remember seeing it on TV .
Have a nice Sunday everyone .
yes, well ta very much for wafting clouds my way, hoping there's still a bit of blue sky left when I've finished my chs btty & picked up my snippers.
Speaking of non food shopping ...Have you got a drawer divan? I've only ever had ordinary divan bed before but now I'm wondering whether to have one with drawers. Might be a good idea in case I move to a bijou flat for the doddery anytime in the future & need the storage space. Someone said it makes them very heavy if you want to move Move it? now why would I want to do that?

I've got one with drawers .Well two actually . One in the spare room They are ok to move because they are on wheels but ....the drawers can gather a lot of dust and they also used to gather a lot of dog hair because Shaney used to plonk himself along the side of the bed :)
I use the drawers for bed linen etc now since I've had a bit of a sort out . Before I sorted out they were a repository for all sorts of rubbish. . I have lined them with scented paper .......Dear oh dear I'll be polishing tree trunks next ..haha :)
Hehe, you saw it shaney? I know it's the kind of thing the Chelsea brigade et al get up to but I really don't see myself buffing up the cherry tree with a bit of Mansion, I can barely see the tele screen for dust at the come on, scented paper? hide your handbags in there don't you?

I just knew you had a long range telescope Robinia
.. rapidly shoves bags under pillowcases ..
-- answer removed --
Morning all - I thought everyone polished up the Cherry Trees!
Lovely sunny day here, but pollen from a neighbouring pine tree is all over the place, like yellow snow, and once swept up, it's back again, this'll go on for a while, hate it. What no news of Vinny?
Morning all...oooh, I'm glad I didn't cast any clouts, it's very cold again....

Don't you just hate it when you find a mystery bit of plastic that's obviously broken off sommink but you don't know what? mmmm, so what's gonna fall apart today I'm a-wonderin'.....?
I thinkyou lot have blown your sniffs and sneezes over here .I've now got a sore throat and the beginning of a sniffly;runny nose .I went through the whole of last year without so much as a sniffle , the first time ever I was dead chuffed with myself .What a rotten way to start the year .Oh well moan over .What a lovely idea ,polishing the cherry trees! now I know there is someone out there with more time on their hands than I have . I am still waiting for a gardener to appear to do the necessary in our garden ( pruning that is ).Isn't it funny how the family all disappear when you need help in the garden,mention weeding and they've all got urgent jobs to do at home !
Time for cocoa and bed . bye for now xxx
I've been schdampling (ibicenco tool) all the weeds by the gate, but could only manage a couple of yards as the tool is very heavy, bit like a scythe but with a bigger and wider plate, wore me wellies as was worried I was gonna cut right through my legs but ok for now.
Hey! put that down at once netibiza! we don't want you literally legless...haven't they heard of Weedol in Spain?

Hope your sniffles don't come to anything Dolly...good luck finding a gardener, I'll ask mine how far he's prepared to travel! :o)
Read your post too late Robi have finished the schadampling, just the bit in front of our wall, but the neighbours never do there so still a jungle, but then they don't use the camino (path) but by law they should keep the area in front of their homes clean.

Miserable rainy and dark here, and I love it!!
a'noon...well there's your golden opportunity neti - set yourself up as Ibiza's answer to Charlie Dimmmock, you've got all the right....erm....things. If you send me the pics of the gardens I'll tell you what needs to be done....
Robi adivce needed please, am back on Enalapril and i'm going all dizzy again like before, do you think it's the pills that are causing it. seems likely.
When did you start again & did it come on suddenly neti? I know the drop in BP can make you dizzy when you first take them but it should settle down...what dose are you taking?

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