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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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About a week now, they are 12,5 mg. Was on Coaprovel before.
Actually i think they are 20/12,5
Well that's a fair bit higher than the 5mg that I take once a day neti so it probably is causing your dizziness. Can you ring your doc & ask them without needing an appointment? Do you get good medical care over there?
Medical care is first class, but will have to make an appointment to see doctor. Just don't like this feeling and it feels like there's pressure inside my head, and we all know that it's empty!!!!
Hello all, sorry Dolly I must have sneezed on the screen, spoke too soon about normal chest let me down and I have passed it on to DH imagine how cheerful that has made him :( We've been walking the dogs once wheezing and hacking like a pair of old winos then back to sleep for the day. Anyway colds, while a pain in the bum, aren't permanent and are a good excuse for hot toddys
speaking of which.....
later gators
Morning all - poor <bZWoofy and Dolly hope you are both feeling better!!

Robi I've also got a cough and cold fingers which happened last time I took enalapril so am off to see doctor (who is new and young and gorgeous) to change it. Then hopefully my veering into traffic whilst walking will come to an end!!!

Miserable cloudy day here, heard you lot had a very windy night last night - hope all your trailer homes have withstood the onslaught he he!!
Sorry woofy for changing your name into foreign!!
Hello Everybiddy . Get well soon all with ailments Woofy and Neti hope you feel better soon.
I'm happy today, my leg has had the stitches out and is healing nicely now so I've just got back from town after some retail therapy. 2 new Per Una tops. Sounds like I'll get back to normal soon.
I bumped into a lady I thought I knew and when I spoke to her we discovered we were in the same class at Junior School. How cool is that recognising someone from all that time ago we couldn't have changed all that much (she says hopefully Ha Ha!!)
It's been a lovely morning here but now the sun has just gone in. Never mind my daffs and crocuses are coming out and it feels like Spring is in the air.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Yes my sniffles etc have gone to my chest too.Couldn't sleep last night ,sat up in the lounge for a few hours so I could breathe,anyway went to Doctors today-I've got a bad case of Bronchitis,said if I'd left it any longer I'd have had Pneumonia .Gave me 3 different lots of anti-biotics and steroids! Shake me and I rattle !
Had an email from jno she's down with it too -what's going on ? all breathing too heavily on the screen like woofy did !!
Anyway God willing it'll all be gone soon and we'll be running around like a lot of Easter bunnies (or Biddies). This year has not got off to a good
start has it
My brother arrives from Manchester on Saturday for 6 weeks I think so I hope it''s gone by then,
a bit early for cocoa bt I think I'll go back to bed -night all ,get well soon Dolly xx
Oh dear, poor ole biddies. Well doctor has changed my medicine, but apparently one cannot be on the same medicine for more than a year here, which is a damned nuisance as I was doing so well on the other one which was one of the highest doses. Lweccy went off whilst at doctors so computers didn't work so he had to write the prescription, poor man!! Robi my BP was 12/70 which he said was ideal, but what good's that when one is walking in circles??
a'noon mi' dears....omg! somebody call the paramedics toot sweet I think neti's expiring....I think... I HOPE you mean 120/70 don'tcha? That sounds more like it anyway, although understanding bp is the one thing I've never grasped, I've got this kind of mental block & everytime anyone explains it to me it's as tho' they're speaking Japanese.

Been to have my eyes tested & now I've got a nice white stick & a new harness for Chas....No I'm not too bad at all apparently, just short sighted. I shouldn't joke, it's a real fear I have of losing my sight, not that we have a history or anything but it's unimaginable to me. Yes, I'll be joining the ranks of the speccy ones on here. I chose some rimless ones with a wide-ish side 'cos in my opinion I don't suit any style & at least they seemed to disappear on my face...shame it wasn't the other way around really.

Glad you're feeling brighter now Jude & get well soon wheezy ones & please don't sneeze on me, I'm down to a shadow again as it is.

yes. yes Robi of course it was 120/70 - he 12/7 s i adjusted it. Can't wait to start the new med so can stop wobbling around the place.

Our Robi
Can someone please tell me the nights that Corrie and Eastenders are on, thank you
What a lot of poor old dears we are becoming :)
Only yesterday I thought to myself that the weather had been rather quiet considering we live in about the windiest place in the world and I must have talked up that tempest that kept me awake most of the night .And this morning ? Not a breath of wind again .
Specs Robina ? I've had to wear them since I was about six ! And they were those horrid NHS ones . I'm as blind as a bat sans specs and would be whirling round in circles with Neti or barging into people. I certainly wouldn't be safe to go out without them .I'm dreadfully short sighted .Good job they do these thin lenses nowadays too or I'd be wearing a pair or milk bottle bottoms .
This lurgy seems to go round and round and now Jno's taken it to the Antipodes . I hope you all feel better soon .
Talking about specs. Would you believe I'm long sighted. I had a squint when I was a kid and had to have it straighteded when I was about 9. I used to wear specs with a patch on. And I have had to wear specs for reading since then but within the last 2 years |I have had varifocals so I can be wearing them most of them time now and I have to wear them for driving so even though I'm longsighted my sight has deteriorated.
jude ditto for me, always long-sighted but now even that is going!!
good morning all you fabulous specimens...I've got a Q in Beauty if you're interested...
ok, who whispered 'she's beyond help'...?

I see Devon's been hit by bad snow again, I'm really hoping Vinny's ok.
Hi Robi new medicine is called Cozaar plus, ever heard of it?
a' neti never heard of that one & I think my neighbour's been on every medication known to man at some time....I think she reads the list of side effects & picks the one she fancies having.

Clinical trials were last June, so watch this space!!

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