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I want a Fatboy!

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swedeheart | 16:33 Sun 16th Nov 2008 | Gift Ideas
509 Answers
Does anyone have a Fatboy Original ? If so, would you perform a small experiment for me please! Is it possible to mould Fatboy into a 90 degree angle lengthwise, i.e. the way you would "fold" it if you were to place it as temporary padding on a wooden settee? Thanks!


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♥ ! ♥ possums ♥ ! ♥

You're all getting to be such a habit with me and you know what they say about old habits

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♩ ♫ ♪ ...and old biddies just fade away ♪ ♬

tum ti tum... just how many pairs of shoes can one pack in a single suitcase?...
Hi Jno We'll have to call you Emelda.
Have a great time on your trip.
Finally time to myself.I'm sorry to hear you have all been having problems of one kind or another so I wish you all get better soon ,get your kitchens finished ,the weather improves for you ,your sister doesn't suffer too much with her treatment neti and jno manages to pack all her shoes ok -don't come to OZ you'll either get scorched to death or drowned !!
The snow looks really pretty in some places doesn't it ? mind you I don't wish to be in it! I need volunteers to help me de-clutter my house ! I must do it one day before I pop my clogs and my kids do it for me -it will be a matter of very large garbage bags being filled willy-nilly and all my priceless hoardings will go to the local dump! Trouble is no-one wants anything -What does that tell you? Oh well keep your chins up soon be Spring and Easter. Bye for now Dolly.
good day all ,have just been out for paella and wine. off for siesta now. I cleaned out my wardrobe yesterday and find that i have 12 pairs of boots not inc the wellies, daren't look under the bed or daughter's cupboard cos i'm sure there are more there.
I left a sweetheart cabbage on the side ready to cook for dinner later .
Just went upstairs to put some washing away and came down to find that Mr S in his wisdom has stripped all the lovely outer green leaves off it and chucked them in the bin as he reckoned they were no good and had, in his words, "bits of muck on the leaves ".This is from a man who cannot boil an egg .Pass the scotch somebody before I wrap the bldy thing round his neck . ....
Can someone declutter my old man :)))
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'Ello possums, 'ow are we today. Well that was the biggest party I've been to � 85 guests invited, 82 turned up! The invitation said to wear a piece of string around a body part of your choice: The two birthday girls didn't want us to buy any presents, we were to be the presents, if you see what I mean. I took that as a joke, until I saw a girl with a piece of gift wrapping string around her nose (sic!) and another girl with a piece of string through her nose (she was pierced.)

One of the birthday twins (not my friend, but her sister) is lead vocalist in a band so they performed all through the evening. Gifts were given, in spite of orders not to: Hot air balloon rides, a walking stick with a bell (like that on a bike), a djembe drum� Their kids (nine altogether) had written funny songs about them, and there was even a quiz, where to win you had to know which sister fit which description. Tricky one, that � one of the questions was which sis has a tattoo and I felt sure it wasn't my friend , but guess what, she had just had one done - five balloons with her kids' names on'em.

Met some people I haven't seen for 25 years, and others I've been hearing about for thirty years but never met� weird, weird� and nice, deeply nice.

As I was leaving I couldn't find my boots so their description had to be issued through the loudspeaker system. Turned out a strange man (strange to me) had taken them. No I don't have men's feet � he had packed them for his girlfriend, whose boots looked a lot like mine. <There's something wrong with that Cinderella story�?>
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*snaps out of a daydream involving pieces of string*

Oh my, Vinny, you can't say that graphics tablet hasn't given rise to new possibilities for you - I like that geisha even better than the original, honest I do. I would deem your Itsutomi professional. ♪ ♬ you're a lucky man with fire in your hand♩ ♫ ♪
24 hours to go, and I am struggling with one of these iPod thingies (my first), tried downloading fine music to it and all I got was jno jnr's collection of the sort of thing they call music nowadays, harrumph; so now I'm having to do it all again. Never mind, nearly all packed! Woot! Equator here I come!
Afternoon...oh sorry Kit have you been sharing your revelling with the wall? Where is everyone? I've been wallowing in my own selfish self pity & just when I'd decided to snap out of it along comes something else to keep me appt aggghhh! Nothing major (yet) but I'm going to have to go in a couple of weeks time if it behaves until then. Just picking up the phone gives me the 'eebie-jeebies.
Anyway, back to the party....sounds like a good time was had by all....BUT 'couldn't find my boots'? please, please tell me that you weren't all barefoot??! nooooooooooooo!! Which reminds me, whatever happened to the 'Barefoot Doctor'? Stephen I think his name was, used to be on the tele quite often. I'll have to investigate.

And whatever happened to our barefoot artist? No flowers.. No card....tut. :o(
Bon voyage jno...don't worry 'bout us, ....<sigh>
I think that post ^ ^ just went the scenic route, took ages...
Evening All Sounds a great party Kit . Fancy losing your boots. Did you take indoor shoes with you to change into?
I'm now on a rest my leg period. I've been to the hospital today to have a 'thing' removed from my leg. I
now have a fortnight of worrying before I have the 11 stitches out and the result. Apparently I can't drive for a few days either. So you see Robi you're not on your own doing the worrying. Mind you I'm not fond of the dentist either, Anyway other people have far worse things to worry about don't they.
Semi finals of Master Chef tonight and University Challenge. I like that and I see how many questions I can answer. Usually about 5 Lol!!
I hope all of you have a good night and good to hear from you Dolly
hi Jude, oh dear, I didn't realise you'd had a 'procedure' today, hope it wasn't too much of an ordeal & that all will turn out well. I'm the world's worst at waiting, that's the hard part...waiting for the day.. the hour... in waiting rooms...for results...far more happens in your head than in reality most of the time. I just wish I was less of a worrier, I get in such a state, but yes, there are far worse things happening. Do you know we have a new dentist opening in a couple of weeks? That's where I'm going (fingers crossed). If you don't know but want to I'll mail you the details, I don't like being too specific about local areas on here.

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Nope, no bare feet around here, that's for tai chi only, hurts too much not to wear shoes. Swedes are notorious for forcing their guests to remove their shoes so most of us have learned to bring indoor shoes � and at this time of year it's necessary anyway.

Jude, you mentioned a couple of weeks ago that you were going to have the thingy removed by some kind of freeze procedure. How was it and what is the correct term for that procedure; I'd like to google it. I've got dozens of big fat moles and even though I'm not worried about the ones that are left (had one removed) my clothing still interferes with some of them, and also I'd like to be able to scrub my back without breaking skin ha ha.

Worrying� count me in. There's no way I can change that part of my personality so I'm learning to think of it kindly instead. Firstly, it's what allows us to protect ourselves and our children (well not that I have any but you see what I mean.) And secondly, it's closely related to creativity. They really are two sides of the same coin. And that also means that you can, to some small degree, balance your worrying by doing creative things. I've stopped beating myself up about being a worrier and that feels so good :-)

And speaking of creativity, why haven't you told us you created a dance style Robinia!
ah I see Kit - those baby feet are sooo cute, I did open that link with one eye closed :o) - we Brits aren't so direct, we just glare silently as all & sundry plod around on our shagpile in their hobnail boots & stilettos.

Don't you just love some of the advice on these websites? 'Don't worry about things at night, or in bed'. Oh right, silly me, that's where I've been going wrong.....sheesh...Guess I'll have to be more creative....I'll start making worry dolls, hahaha. Or I could always give some tutting tutorials in shopping centres - & get myself arrested.
Just ignore me when I'm moaning, it's been a long cruel winter, the pendulum has to swing t'other way sooner or later....

Can you believe this, hahaha?! Jon Cainer astrology....
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
If the stars speak of a trip to the dentist, should I call this good or bad? What if you hate going to the dentist? But what if that's the only way you can get rid of a recurring pain? It isn't easy being an astrologer. No matter what people in my profession predict, someone can always find a downside to it. Handsome strangers, for instance. They sound well and good, but they can be full of their own self- importance and boring to talk to - once you get over their looks. What's happening now is really good, but can you see it that way?

<nope, sorry Jon, can't see owt good happening, but I'll try really hard....when I stop worrying>

Good morning all...surfaced again. The tearfulness is subsiding but I can still sleep at the drop of a.....zzzzzz.
glad to hear that we are all still stumbling along....add me to the night worriers club. I have a semi solution for it which is to keep a diary, I am into my second year now, somehow writing stuff down at the end of the day helps to get it out of the head.
My Mum had various bits frozen off her for many years (moles and lesions, not fingers and toes) She said it was okay, sore afterwards. Its called cryotherapy here's a link yo
It sounds like a great party going ff to shower now, will come back later to read the backlog and click on all the links.
Good morning all - well, have had a touch of food poisoning after eating a manky mussel in the paella (well, that's what I'm blaming). Feel better today.
woofy I've kept a diary for over 20 yrs (no not the same one!) and it comes in really handy for solving arguments ie who won the world cup in 200BC or suchlike. I stopped for a couple of years after my mother died, just couldn't do it, and regret it now as my daughter was young then so did not record everything she did.

I am certainly a member of the Nighttime Worriers Club, in fact Mr N says if I don't have anything to worry about I'll find one! but guess it's getting easier now that daughter has moved away and grown up a weeny bit!!

Hope the rest of you are fine , hale and hearty. Lovely sunny day here although a tad chilly:

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I want a Fatboy!

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