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another fantastic buy!

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Bobbisox | 20:48 Tue 16th Aug 2011 | Shopping & Style
15 Answers
Clairol Perfect 10, tried this today, I love it. you put it on dry hair with a comb which is provided in the box, for 10 mins, then rinse off
the result, a lovely colour and shiny conditioned hair, no more drips, it's brilliant and comes in loads of different shades


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just remember to time it from when you start putting it on not once it is fully applied I used it and it over-coloured badly
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Oh Nooo, I did watch the time Rowan, thankfully, and I am well pleased with the result
I think you're just tarting yourself up for all those Bulgarian toy boys.
Do they do one in grey Bobbi? ( for me not you!!!)
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haha, I have been told that they (the Bulgarians ) have placed a wee donkey in the field beside the house, my friend sent a picture of it to my phone saying "This is your alarm clock"
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nehhh, stick to that one the fellas use Alex :-)
I can see you astride a donkey going down to the well for water. R u sure its got all mod cons there ?
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the house looks really nice Tamb, it's a self build in a village, that's about as much as I know but it is in the 80s so I will top up the tan :-)
I remember dying my hair when staying in a hotel in Inverness (I was bored) and I managed to dye my hair, part of the shower cubicle and some of the carpet. It is a messy process.

Might try this stuff - putting it on dry hair surely means less mess.
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wolf, it's dead easy and leaves your hair lovely and shiny :-)
My hair is lovely and soft and shiny today - why does that only happen when I am not going out. When I have somewhere to go it becomes a mass of frizzy fizz.
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I have been to morning tea with some laydeees, all very genteel it was too, my hair was in good
Doesn't all hair dye go on dry hair?
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probably ummmm but this only takes 10 mins to 'take' and the result is very good
No Ummm some of the permanent hair dyes go on wet, unwashed hair. I found that this product was easy to use but didn't really cover my grey bits - about 50%!!! lol

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another fantastic buy!

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