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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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Getting to see my actual GP is rarer than hens teeth these days .I usually end up with the practice nurse for my medicaments review and she always wants my blood .
I was supposed to go in November for a blood test but didn't bother .No doubt they'll catch me again soon though .
Oooh take care of that bungedupness and chestiness Jude .We don't want any poorly biddies .
I've done b all today ..lazy moo ... caught up with my teevee though .
I watched that programme about WW1 with Jeremy Paxman .He presented it well .It was very good and very sad.
Stay home and keep warm Jude, I love your GP too. :) Oooh, egg 'n cress butties and prawn cocktail crisps, lovely.
Actually my GP ok, when I get to see him that is, he only does a couple of days, he's winding down for retirement...I'm just overwound.
I was astonished when I rang yesterday for an appointment and got one today - I thought she meant next Tuesday, which would be the normal waiting time. Perhaps some of his patients have died and left appointment slots vacant.
I know, I think they're all having a shake up jno...I got my recent appointment over the phone within the hour! I'd have waited longer on a 999 request.
I phoned yesterday for an app with medico and have had to wait til tomorrow! Getting like UK now, just not good enough. He's young with long hair good looking and no nonsense.
Jolly chilly wind here today even with the sun, and so cold tonight. Off for hot bath then teevee in bed. Just made meat and pot pie and sauteed cabbage, lully it was.
hello all, we went shopping and then came home and ate roast chicken. Very nice.
woofy did you roast the chicken or was it ready cooked, oh I'd love some chicken!!
a feral cat snuck into my kitchen and peed around the bin, I could smell it but didn't realise and then I found I was walking in it and there was a puddle under the bin, eugh, I bleached and scrubbed and mopped, had to wash my boottee slippers, glad I have an old pair, I hate them!!
I roasted it. It was reduced in marks so needed cooking today.
Gooood - glad I am not the only biddy slaving away in the kitchen.
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I had beans on toast .
Oight Oight .
slaving in kitchen
1. turn on oven
2 slam in chicken
3 pour a glass of wine and enjoy it for 2 hours
4 eat chicken

i did panfry some asparagus and nuke a frozen jacket potato as well
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Morning all
Still dark out there .
I would give anything for eight hours of sleep that's not broken by throbbing knees,hips ,howling wind and a bipping bldy smoke alarm .I was up at 5.30 and have made a viccy sponge .Mr S is 68 today .Poor old soul :)
Happy Birthday Mr S, poor old soul indeed, he's a mere chicken!

Had such a sad dream, I was crying cos I wanted to have my child back as a little girl again, I did enjoy it.

Very overcast and dull, Mr N has gone off to change a mixer tap, I have app with medico at 13hrs so just moseying about.
Morning very dark and wet here again, it's very SAD making.
I know how you feel shaney, I was convinced I had a bruise on my hip the other morning it was unbearable to the touch...but no, just very sore.
Happy Birthday Mr S! Have a lovely day together shaney.

Neti I've been dreaming of my sons as young boys a lot's horrible though, we live in awful places and they don't have any decent clothes or shoes. (They were always dressed impeccably really, suits, starched shirts and dickie bows, brylcreemed short back and sides... :))

good morning. Am going to give up on eating real food, have woken up with stomach upset, never get any problems when i eat thrown together junk and ding dinners. Dead grey and horrible here.
oh dear, Robi, does Miranda Hart come pedalling into your dreams?

Bah, had a cap come off my back tooth when I was eating a cereal bar, it's barely above the gum so open to infection though not painful (yet). So off to the dentist I go tomorrow, hopefully just to have it superglued back on. Unfortunately my regular dentist is on an extremely long sabbatical in Pakistan - well over a year now, and they suspect he's not coming back, whihc is a shame as he was wonderful. He was born here so I'm not sure why he would want to work there, but there's no accounting for taste.

I was expecting a day's rain yesterday and it has arrived 24 hours late and making up for lost time.
sorry, many happy returns to Mr S. Shaney i hope the creaks (both house and physical) are better today. I have an old TV ariel that need removing before it removes itself.

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