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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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Hello all
Dull again .Snow in Norwich this morning so my source tells me ,but it didn't amount to much and soon cleared .
Hope you're all ok .
My hairdresser was just along the road here,she rented a chair , but she's now got a salon of her own so I'll have to hike a bit furtherfor my next appt but I do get to pass a very nice bakery on the way :)
nice bakery....worth every step of the journey Shaney. I like going to the hairdresser. Mine is quite an old fashioned one where the clients get treated like royalty. I enjoy the gossip and the peace and quiet.
"Things" are settling down here, gassy but better.
Hmmm, bit quiet in here. I'll share my earworm, that should wake 'em up...

I love Aerosmith!!!

Just cooked spag with salmon in a cheese sauce with gherkins and capers, it was very nice. We rae sorting through the storeroom, and dumped loads of good stuff, hope someone uses it. I even found a pair of boots from Saxone which I bought in 1990, they are a tad small but very modern, knee high with flat heels, will try my best to get into them, but seem to recall they always gave me blisters.

I have just been to East Anglia with Michael.
aaagh, my Itunes has vanished - there was an update today and it looks as if this has happened to lots of people. I will have to study their forums to see what the best fix is.
my current favourite
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Nice music folks .
Bit like my digestion which has been singing to me all day but it's more gurgle than guitar .That's lamb chops off the menu then :)
The catch up teevee has gone pear shaped on our Virgin Media .Can you get through to a person ....NO ! I began to think if they asked me to press any more menu buttons I might have possibly got through to God so gave up and will try again tomorrow .
Oight Oight and sleep toight .
shaey have you tried switching off your virgin box and any other network gubbins you have, then switching it back on again. I lose Sky catch up sometimes and rebooting the box and the bt hub fixes it.

Oight oight all
oh well, iTunes is back - I had to uninstall all Apple products (no big heartbreak there) and reinstall iTunes, and I suspect I have actually got an older version, which is fine by me as it plays music.

Here (nicked from a post by Gromit) is the history of the world from the Daily Mail sidebars
Good morning, just getting up.

Shaney I find that not pressing any buttons will bring a human to the phone sometimes!

Off toclear out loads more rubbish from storeroom. Laters>>>>>
yawwwwn... 6am phone call today for OH - who did not hear it despite being (allegedly) awake; but it woke me up and I still am.
Morning each, I've been awake since 6 too and I can hardly blame it on the sun streaming in through an open window, I've been hermetically sealed in since November and it's only just got light.
good morning all, its a bright day here too, was supposed to be tipping it down so i am not complaining. Its bin day here so i got up early. The dogs (surprise) are still asleep.
Yes Neti, its a well kept secret, but with most of those press button to select phone systems, doing and saying nothing gets you real human. The other thing to try is to press zero every time you are offered an option, that can work too.
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Hello all
Dull and showery here .Same old .Sunshine lacking .
Before tearing my hair out on the phone again I did what you said Woofy and hey presto it's working again .Thank you .
Hope you're all Ok today .Nothing exciting happening here .
ha, i am a techy genius!!
well, still sunny here, exactly the opposite of the rain that was forecast. Went to doctor, who was supposed to review my medicines (he gets paid for this); the review consisted of asking me what illnesses I've had ("Where would you like me to start?"), what dosage of amlodipine I take ("No idea - it's whatever you prescribe") and so on. It might help if he just reviewed my notes and left it at that.
ha jno...its one of the reasons i hesitate to move too far, I have a GP who has some common sense and in general, the whole practice is composed of sensible people.
Yes we are always rebooting with Sky. This happened when I was in England and Mr N who doesn't understand it rewired the whole system from dish to box and cut the Spanish TV cable by mistake! What a wally then I told him where the reboot instructions were, he felt really stoopid! Ah men!
He's probably probably the same doc who arrived at our surgery and left again fairly soon afterwards...I went for a prescription for dizzy pills...he tapped on the computer....
Doc - Have you had them before"?
Yes, receptionist said I had to see you as its been a while.
Do they work?
eh?[i erm, yes, very well.
Do you take them all the time?
Erm, no.... [i]the last time I had them was a year ago, 84 tablets, work it out]

Evening each. What a day. Got to Tai chi and I'd forgotten my purse. Did one Form then had to come home and fetch it. It's quite a way and I got back just as they were finishing. Went out to lunch then and realised I was almost out of petrol so had to keep my fingers crossed until I got back to Sainsburys. Also I'm still bunged up to my eyes and can't breathe properly but apart from all that 'to do' I feel not so bad.
I love my GP. He's so thorough. I've been with the same practice since the 1960s.

Should be off to the football tonight but haven't made up my mind yet. Don't want to sit there snuffling all night do I.
Anyway I'm off now for my egg and cress sarnies. See yer later 'gaters

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