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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
well is it virtual chocolate then?
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Hello all... Curtsies to Neti ...what a horrible day .Thunder and lightning ,hailstorms ,blowing a gale , awful.
Picky carted over here with all his paperwork and accounts again and Mr S has sorted it all out for him ..again .So no computer time for me.
Hope you're all Ok .I love the acceptance speech

No I never did get a pan Neti .I bought a frying pan with a handle but it was useless in the oven.The handle went all nasty and I chucked it out .I just want a simple non stick hob to oven pan with a handle each side but they seem rarer than hens teeth or have an enormous price tag .
Oight Oight ,sleep toight .

Morning high fryers...I think I need some virtual sunshine, it's almost 10.30 and still dark ...and very wet. Abysmal.

I know what you mean about a pan shaney, I could do with something like that myself. I'm not bothered about a non stick interior and it musn't be too big either or I'll be eating the same meal for a week. (yes, I know, freeze some...)
I've found this one... User Recommendation
I like that Robi. We were going to have an early night last night but wouldn't you know it the fireworks kicked off, I think it was a cruiser sailing. Its wet and horrible here today, what a surprise.
Good morning sunny and chilly today. Am watching Nadal's match.

Shaney I do my TITH in a small roasting pan as the sides are easier to grip.
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Morning all
Another dull day by the look of it .Accu said sun early this morning ! Where the sun was is anybodys guess .
That's a nice pan Robinia but I have something like that .It needs to be shallower so that I can brown the bangers on the hob ,tip the batter in and shove it in the oven .I don't want much do I
I got this in Ikea that goes on the hob and in the oven, decent handles too.
That's a good pan woofy.
Oh I see shaney, I want something I can brown off in (I'm bloody browned off today), swamp with gravy and bung in the oven :)

And speaking of swamps, I've been out to feed the birds, the garden's a quagmire.
yes, i am very please with it, its small (serves 1 or 2)
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Nice pan Woofy but too big for my hob .I've just measured it :)
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Ah ..I didn't realise they do a smaller one .I would prefer a round one though .
Plus IKEA charge a lot for postage . That hikes a pan costing £3.75 up to £12.75. Yes ..I know ...I being picky :)
crikey! £9 delivery! I had no idea they charged that much....pffft! another reason to not shop there. I never have yet.
I lied...I've got two of these but Tarquin picked one up for me...the other I had given to me and still haven't had it put up.
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Those are nice kitchen shelves Robinia .I have only ever been to IKEA once and I swore never again ! It was the one in Croydon .It was a boiling hot day , a long walk to get there and it was packed to the gunnels .This was pre internet shopping and we wanted to buy a bathroom cupboard .The amount they wanted to charge to deliver it was unbelievable ,so I bought two tea towels and we made our merry way home !
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Oh yes ..we did buy a cupboard/wardrobe from them a while back
You expect to pay a bit more for a big item but I won't pay nine quid postage for a pan !.
I needed something heatproof to put my pans on singly and near to the cooker and that rack fitted the bill but the only place that sold them was Ikea...before that I'd had to 'nest' them and it was a struggle to get them down off the shelf and back up again....Biddy energy saving tactics :)

lordy, we're bored today aren't we? Chatting about pans, hahaha
so bored we're on topic? The shame of it.
yep, we are a dull bunch aren't we? Ikea is good for small stuff if you can get there but they really don't wan to do mail order. I was thinking of going there today for a browse but the weather has been so evil that we decided to stay home.
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It's lashing down out there now and blowing a gale .Very wintery .
Do you think it's too early for a drink ?
Yours sincerely
Boresareus :)
its always sundown somewhere Shaney.

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