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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
well, I am obviously in the presence of Balearic royalty, I would bow the knee if I thought I could get up again, but it only goes one way.
Ohhh what a storm!! I was ironing in the bedroom looking out of the window and the lightning was awful.
The ironing, Shaney, was the stuff I was going to do when you said you were doing yours in the week!
I was listening to The Rams and they made a draw today after giving a silly goal away. Never mind we didn't lose.
Going to feed myself now. TTD sausage and mash. Have a good evening everybiddy.
Oh jude, at the first clap of thunder I would stop ironing and unplug it.
Dreary day here, did some washing but it is just hanging loosely and damply! Cba to put it under the patio in case of rain!
Shaney did you ever get your TITH pan? I'm sure we have them here, much cheaper but probably not non-stick, I can always bring one over in June and post it to anywhere you want.
We have just had huge wind. We were out in the car going over to Morrisons to shop. Got stopped because a branch had come down across the road, decided that discretion etcet and came home via tesco instead.
It was horrendous, the air pressure was awful, my ears are still poppin'.
Nobody spotted my mistake then. Ha ha!! Derby made a draw 1-1 not lost.
Jude - how would I know that was mistake?
I can't see a mistake? But football is a foreign language.
I have left the Grayson Perry discussion. One suspension is outre and acceptable, two just looks silly.
silly thread, but it took me abotu two sentences to say all I have to say on the subject and I don't feel like gong back and arguing with the fasion critics...

We went on our Bloomsbury walk (v interesting) and it got quite dark at one stage, but that was all. When we got home it had obviously been raining quite a lot. But I am surprised to hear of storms sweeping everywhere else round the country. jno jnr called to say his house was beset by heavy hail but he didn't mind as he was tucked up in bed writing his novel (a project of which I had not previously heard).
that was supposed to be fashion critics rather than fascist critics in case anyone was wondering
both jno....both.
I just peer into news, roll my eyes and tut a lot...
I know....I know.....I scratch mozzie bites as well.
Woofy thanks for answering my brightness post, I didn't realise I could go deeper into the settings and it was turned right down you are brilliant, thank you. You may share my medal xx
Just off to watch CBB yes yes I know but I like it!!
thank you Neti, is is chocolate?
Don't be daft Woofy, it's the one Robi made, it's virtually virtual!
And no more calling you woody as I've added you to my dictionary.

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