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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
OK here is what you are all doing -

Jude is walking here there and everywhere, then lunching.
Woofy is out with the doggies
Jno is in some dark historical place probably with whispering is on tinternet
Shaney is cooking and preparing lunch
Robi is on tinternet.
Ooops forgot the Dan in whispering Dan for jno.
wrong bit of the cut and paste Neti, Dogs are asleep having spent the noisy night hunting the garden, I had pizza with anchovies on for dinner and am ragingly thirsty as a result, so have a giant cup of tea.
well at least it has got you here!

view of here today. but chilly.
Morning all..bright, breezy and the sun is shining! Just waiting for the washer to life's soo exciting.
Take yesterday, went shopping....bought a toothbrush, hand cream, mascara, half price body spray.... and left it in my sister's car, d'oh. Good thing none of it was urgent. Actually we were looking at sofas and armchairs and all manner of lovely things in Next. I need to have a think.

My dreams are far better than my life, I had an amaaaazing one last night, about Paul Young mainly (mmmm) but it was very Alice in Wonderland stylie with lots of strange people, costumes and creatures. It was a really feel good one, not frightening as (in my childhood) I thought Alice was.
Oh and I've got this strange packet here, it says....hang on....stew pack....but there are no instructions. Do I microwave it with the plastic on or off? :)
we are lunching in the local chinese today, they do maki which I love and japanese noodles, scrummy!!!
we went for lunch, and having lunched moved on!

Only took an hour, ate prawn crackers, sushi maki, japense noodles,sizzling chicken bbq and veg ; sizzling beef and veg and chow mein. Beer and fried ice cream.

Back at home, stuffed for about an hour, in bed watching teevee, oh what an exciting life I lead.
nice and sunny here (it was yesterday too) but I am just fiddling round, tidying up etc. New bedroom curtains are hung, so we put the old ones out on the pavement - they were huge heavy things, 6 foot drop plus blackout lining - and they went in 10 minutes. Now that we don't need to work at night and sleep during the day, we have gone for lighter ones, creamy colour with blue stripes, and the bedroom looks much less like a dungeon.
sunny and cold here. We are digesting lunch and watching Funny Girl.
despite being carefully measured the curtains turned out to come down an inch lower on one side than on the other. My instant reaction was that the curtains were perfect but the house was crooked. This turns out to be correct. I don't know if it's the windows or the floor that are askew, but they are different distances apart at the ends. Flippin' Edwardian jerry builders.
A quick cobble on the longer side will sort it jno!
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Hello Biddy Babes
Lovely day again ,brilliant much needed sunshine although it's cold with an easterly wind .
My day so far has consisted of getting out of bed ,ablutions ,breakfast ,done two loads of washing and and gassed on the phone .

I've also scrubbed the house from top to bottom ,cleaned all the windows ,mowed the lawn ,chopped down a tree ,knitted a jumper, built a wall and cooked and frozen all the meals for the next month
Hope you're all fine and dandy .Over and out for now ,I'm exhausted :)
My walls are a bit out I discovered when I found I could wallpaper.
I see you've had a busy day so far too shaney... I've stripped, plastered and re-papered the living room, laid the patio, dug a pond and knitted a onesie before cooking a five course dinner for eight and answering 96 questions in history and motoring...
I've done sod all.....
Have just watched "Saving Mr Banks" very nice too.
Evening all. I drove to a village called Milford today to see my plumber and is family this morning. It was a lovely sunny day all say! Then when I got back I just lazed about apart from eating lunch and dinner.
Had a surprise Skype conversation with a friend I've known since I was 16 who lives in Australia. It was great to talk to her and her OH. They showed me round their house for the first time and it's fantastic. They said they'd had no rain for 3months.
Jno did you hear Whispering Bob on Desert Island Discs this morning. Or is it Dan I can't remember. I did recognise his voice and knew I'd listened to his programme often.
I'm off now. Oight oight all sleep tight. Apparently no more rain til Wednesday. See ya later 'gaters.
jno, the pub my in laws had was like that. mil had to alter all the curtains and then they got marked up as right and left. tonight there is no wind or rsin for a miracle. the dogs have soent the evening hunting the garden and ate now sound asleep and i will be soon as well. oight oight all
Good morning, off for coffee with female friends then hairdressers. Mr N is off to do the shopping.
the sun is shining again, and I don't know whether to go down to the beach for a paella. Instead I have made an appointment for Harriet to have another go at straightening my neck tomorrow - couldn't be any later as she is in central London and there is going to be a tube strike all week.

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