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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
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Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
ooo jno, you gadabout! We are up early because the dogs were convinced that there were monsters in the garden at 06.30.
my last film was The Hobbit, because I was in the cinema where the world premiere was held; that was a year ago. The previous one was a year before that; that was The Artist, because it was all in subtitles so I couldn't lose the plot. I wonder where I'll be in 2015?
Morning all. Lovely morning at the moment. Time will tell!
I take it you didn't hear whispering Bob on Desert Island Discs Jno. To tell the truth I only heard a small part of it while I was driving to Milford the other day. Hope Harriet sorts you out.
Hope all of you have a good day.
Off to Tai Chi in a little while for some relaxation. Laters 'gaters.
I don't even have a radio, Jude, just the little clock radio I use as an alarm clock but only about three times a year. One of the reasons I am so out of kilter with the modern world. Shame, my mum always used to have the radio on when I was little but OH has no liking for music playing, so I stopped.
Morning all. I love music I sing all day and play my music poor OH feel sorry for him but that's how it is.

Can't do IMEX as makes me dizzy and sick, tried it in USA once - shudder.

Very chilly and sunny here. Am having coffee with 2 gay men friends.
I wasn't impressed with Imax when I saw Avatar but I was too close to the screen. Sat well back this time and it was much better. It did make you dizzy, though, as there were lots of shots of astronauts spinning round in space.

Tut, made jno jnr welcome last night en route to the airport and now see he's been dissing our TV on Twitter. Apparently we should have had HD. It's the black and white set for you next time, buddy.
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Hello folks
Lovely sunny morning but it's clouding up now and looks like a hatch battening night to come according to Accu .Hope you're all Ok .
I wish we had a decent cinema here ,I would go more often .I have to make do with flicks in the sticks at the library or wait for DVD's to come out .The last time I went I saw Anna Karenina ,the 2012 version.
I have absolutely nothing of importance to do today which is a bit sad really but I've just received a new colouring book ,Art Nouveau Fashions so may amuse myself with that .
Our local and very small cinema is getting all the latest films in original language so it is fine. Trouble is it starts at 9pm when I am abed
Just sorted the top of my huge wardrobe , founds lots of interesting and forgotten stuff. Chucked loads out to the one charity on the island, by 'eck there are going to be some jolly elegant beggars! Feel very righteous. Now the laundry/rubbish room to sort.
I haven't been out to a film for years, prefer to watch vid where I can put my feet up, take my shoes off and pause it to get a glass of something.
Waitrose frozen pea and asparagus risotto is blooming good.

Mr N is making putanesca spag for dinner, he makes it so hot, I'll have to eat something else, he doesn't realise that what is mildly spicyt for him is outrageously burning to me..

Off for siesta.
Yay one of Mr M's golfing cronies who owns a hotel has offered work!
who's he offered it to?
Echo answers who? - jno.


To Mr N of course but I am a bit surprised after hija antics when she worked for the same man last summer!! Maybe I'll be offered a job!!
Afternoon all...wild grandma signing's been a cold but glorious day.
If I'd known you were at a loose end shaney you could have shared the Moondust minding, he's been for the afternoon while daddy went running and he likes a lot of entertainment. He was unimpressed with the fairy tales, the book doesn't beep or rattle and it certainly doesn't taste good. Lol woofy, the stories are very Wilde.

I love the radio, (or cds) my mum always had it on...I put it on when I go to bed to override the tinnitus and the noisy weather.
It's years since I went to the flicks, I'm not a big film fan and I'm a fidget and its not a cheap night out is it, especially for families.
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Lol..I would have loved to have done a bit of Moondust minding .I could have read him The Trip to Panama , and we could have bopped to Backe, Backe Kuchen :)
I don't have the radio on during the day but put it on when in bed and listen to Gold or Heart or Radio 4 Extra if I'm not reading .They recently had Dixon of Dock Green.David Tennant played Andy Crawford .
Mr S listens to stuff like Farming Today perhaps he's thinking of growing mangelworzels ,and the World service

not cheap, Gravity was £13.something and that's at biddy rates. However I can stand it once a year and it was worth it.
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13 notes for a cinema ticket Jno?
Crikey me ..shows how long it is since I went to an actual cinema .
£2.50 to see a flick in the sticks .Mind you by the time they get round to showing anything of interest they are out on DVD anyway :)
I think 3d costs more.
Yes, long gone are the days when two of you went on the bus, had a tub of ice cream in the interval and a pea mix with a battered sausage on the way home, all for 10 bob :)

Baby loves you to sing to him shaney, I was singing xmas songs'll probably snow tomorrow now :)

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