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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
someone around here has been singing hurricane songs...
This is my book of fairy tales

well not my actual one obviously cos I am not selling it
10 bob? It was 9d downstairs at the Rivoli, 1/3 upstairs, ice creams 3d or 4d if dipped in chocolate. Plus a 3d tram ride each way. For 10 bob I would have ordered a private screening.
I can't remember the price of cinema tickets, I rarely paid and once a buck toothed wannabee boyfriend treated us to a box where all my friends could see us, I was mortified, he was dumped pdq.

Just had the putanesca and yes soo spicy, but I managed 3 helpings with a scraping of sauce, just to please him. There's oodles left so he's having that tomorrow and I will settle for a pizza.
now I want a choc ice.....
We have a tub of lidl hazelnut icecream in the freezer but Mr N thinks they are tasteless so neither of us is bothered.
oh this was back in my pre-teen years, neti. I didn't actually furnish the money but I did buy the tickets and knew how much everything cost. Fiscal responsibility was drummed into us when we were in nappies.
I've got icecream in the freezer, good stuff too, but no choc ices.
ah fiscal responsibility seemed to pass me by - am useless!!
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It's turned very grim out there .I could do with something sweet but haven't got anything so made do with a banana and a yogurt .
I think I'll make a fruit tea and take myself to bed .Best place in this lot ...again.
Night all .
I've just watched "Tea with Mussolini" - very nice!

Oight oight, all is clement outside.
looks like it'll be raining from about now till tomorrow afternoon, with gale force... er, 23mph. I expect wie'll survive, though we've just noticed one fence panel has been blown over a bit sometime in the last few weeks.

Suggest everyone moors themselves to something stable, it worked for Sandra Bullock in Gravity even though George Clooney unhooked himself to improve her chances of survival and nobly floated away into space burbling about how pretty the Ganges looked reflecting the sun below.
jno I'll see your 23 mph and raise you gusting to 58 mph. Going to strap large lumps of lead to us all.
Good morning, grey cloudy and wettish.
Morning all...a real feel wind of minus 1C here and it cuts right through.

I like Sandra Bullock and watched Miss Congeniality at the weekend on some freeview channel or other....oh dear, glad I didn't part wth my 10 bob to see that...and they made another one!?

I've now reached the age where I think if I can afford it, have it, it might be the last one I buy. I do use/wear things for a long time....but I never think that about bags though, oh no.
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Morning all
O°C here .What a rotten night .Roaring wind and raining .Still nowhwere near as bad as some have had it in the south west .It's not to bad at the mo,sunshine and I'm hoping to go to Asda .The excitement is too much .
Good morning all. I didn't settle to sleep last night until 2. 1 of those nights for me. Expect I'll be like a log tonight. Mind you the wind and rain was pretty loud.
School today for me. Then tomorrow I'm away until Monday so if I don't make it on here you'll know I'm ok. I'm off to a party in Brighton on Saturday. Really looking forward. Haven't been there since my 20s.
Hope you're all keep well and the weather gets better. I'm fed up with it now.
Laters 'gaters.
good morning, a noisy night and now a noisy day. I have to go out later to get milk but I am going to wait for the tumult and the shouting to die down a bit.
A pic from Tarquin's run yesterday...taken just as he arrived back at my house ;)
I wouldn't like his window cleaning bill!
oh it's ok, I think Jude stops by with her bucket and squeegie once a fortnight as she's yomping through there.

The weather's getting wilder here :(

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