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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Just a quick hello. I thought Robbie actor was brilliant to. I like that programme!
Off out shopping now - laters 'gaters. Thanks for the good time wishes. The suns shining here for a change.
just read back, congrats Shaney! I actually didn't think that was the best GG last night but yes, the child actor was very good.
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Hello all
Watery sunshine atm but it sloshed it down all night .
I watched the Three Cousins programme Jno .It was very interesting.I think it's a two parter.
Yes that little boy was very good in GG.and I've seen the other lad who played the older brother in something as well but can't recall what it was .I'll have to investigate .
yoohooJoode! :) Have a good time, keep ya kit on!

I didn't realise there had been so many GG's, I only got into it last series...£50+ for the first 5 series on dvd...hmmm, I'll have to start doing crosswords :)
Question Author winnings are going on washing powder. Dreft has been discontinued .
Finally had a reply from P&G,so have ordered twelve boxes from Amazon .
crikey shaney, I hope it doesn't fall off the back of the van in all this rain, it'll be Gorleston on Suds, haha.
I think my sister uses Dreft sometimes, I'd better let her know.
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I get really annoyed when they discontinue a perfectly good product .
Their excuse is ,
"When the sales of a product fall, we feel it is important to make way for new developments".
Looking on tinternet it seems I'm not the only person who's annoyed .I've used it for donkeys years .Bah to them !
Howdy - still at the spring cleaning, how can such a small place have so many cupboards etc?? Almost finished the laundry room but Mr N has to pull out the box under the sinks incase there are creepy crawlies! Then I did the cupboard outside the kitchen window - and dishwashered all the cups and saucers there, I was going to chuck them but as they were bought bu my beloved mil I thought I'd keep them, not that we ever use them, also washed greasy oven parts, so that is almost respectable if one doesn't look n the oven.

Just having a cuppa having just been to the tip and dumped another 4 huge bag fulls!!
I know shaney, I was incensed at the weekend in Boots, no spit mascara! What?! The assistant who looked about 14 was very helpful though and sorted me out with an alternative but it's so hard to spit down that narrow tube. :)

My cleaning is so haphazard nowadays...a bit here...a bit there...I never seem to get everything done thoroughly anymore.
...and don't get me started on foundation.
Last place to do is my actual wardrobe, dreading it, so many clothes and so many boots, no where to put them all, and then my drawers with bras, sox knickers, tees, dreading the thought.
I dont wear foundation, I wear something K natural glow compact although it's nothing like powder, just gives the face a sheen.
Hi all. Well done on your win Shaney. When I left Sainsburys I had to give back my discount card. So I bought all sorts if dry goods including toilet rolls and washing powder before I left with 10% off. I had to store them in my shed. I'd been they 17 years and we all thought we were in line to keep our cards because we'd done 15 years but they changed it to 20 years or something like that just before we left so we missed out.
Shopping trip was ok. I bought a lovely scarf and some tights from M&S but I couldn't find any pink ones.
Off again see yer later 'gaters!
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Flash powder ! What happened to that .Another good product they don't do any more .It was the best cleaning stuff ever .
Neti you're a domestic goddess .I'm more of a domestic dizzy these days .

Jude when I worked at Sainsburys many moons ago in the 70's I had to leave as we were going abroad .I was what they then called a "Chief display assistant/cashier " In other words I had a blue striped overall as opposed to a check one :)
I had to train someone else to do my job as I was leaving .She was a moo and wouldn't be told anything .She got a really good discount ......not long after I left they sacked her for shoplifting !
I loved flash did Ozzy when he was little, he emptied a whole packet all over a woven rush mat, haha. The best shampoo ever was Supersoft before Shwarzkopf took over, I can still recall the smell.
I likes supersoft shampoo, wasn't it a blue plastic sashet? Before that we had Vaseline powder shampoo, had to mix with water, can still smell it
I loved Astral soap in the 60's the smell was gorgeous as was Ponds Dreamflower talc.
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Oh yes....Fourpenny sachets of Supersoft shampoo
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Desert Flower body lotion and then that new innovation ,hair conditioner .
I think it was called Breck .
Boots used to do a brilliant cheapo conditioner that smelt of hyacinths and bluebells. It wasn't great conditioner but it made your hair smell lovely.

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