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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 14:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
Hi again, just managing to struggle along with my fuzzy head, but have washed the throws from the settees and other assorted washing.

Have skipped a few posts as I haven't seen Mr Selfridge yet.
Have now made a meat and pot pie for dinner with my cabbage.
We didn't give anything away about Mr S that wasn't already fairly obvious.
Cabbage is good for pain ...serving suggestion
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I've just done a shop at Sainsburys on line .They sent me a two month free delivery pass and 15 quid off so I've got lots of dings and other things :)
Ooh, ding dinner deliveries sounds good to me shaney. I really must have a go at online food shopping in case, heaven forbid, I get stuck.

There are some people working for the health service who really shouldn't be. I found out today that the daughter of someone I know has fibromyalgia and was told by a woman (not sure if she said doctor or nurse) at her surgery 'It's all in the mind you know'. Needless to say there was a big row... I'd have gone bloody berserk. I've never formally complained about healthcare but in her case I'd make an exception.
fibromyalgia of the mind, that sounds like what I've got, the ultimate biddy ailment.

Actually I've had an itchy eye since Friday, left a message on someone's answerphone at the hospital, sat in all day, nobody called back, GRRR, so I called the out of hours number and they told me to go back to the clinic tomorrow and they'll have a look at it. Just feels like a bit of dust rather than a scalpel that someone's left behind, but it's been irritating me for days now.
online shopping is the dog's pyjamas.
Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her.

having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
Evening all. I've just about got over the excitement do The Rams winning 5-0.
You'll sound quite cheerful and telling all yo
Whoops pressed submit too soon. You all sound quite cheerful telling your aches and pains to b****r off! It's been a chilly day but lovely sunshine. That's made me feel better too. I still feel a bit nauseous. But have an appetite in between sessions. No idea what's up. Been to Leicester today for a cousins 'getogether' Had a good laugh and am looking forward to the next time already.
The eldest cousin is in her 80s with a 'wicked'sense of humour.
I'm off to watch UC at 8. It's the semi-final tonight.
I hope you all feel better soon and tonight is a good one with no disturbing dreams. Just happy ones! See yer later 'gaters!
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It's all pot luck with doctors these days .I always feel as if I'm being a nuisance .My trouble is I'm not assertive enough .Perhaps I ought to try breaking down in tears and stamping my feet :)
Give the online food shopping a go Robinia .Sainsburys site is easy to navigate .
I don't really buy much fresh stuff ,dings are the only exception as I can freeze them but it's ideal for all the heavy bulky stuff which I can't lug .
I can't always rely on my bro or Picky to take me shopping,although they will gladly but I don't like taking advantage and my poor old brother is 80 tomorrow !

I just watched The Widower ..what a wicked man he was .
UC was good tonight Jude .
Hope you can get sorted out pdq with your eye Jno ..Nite all ,sleep well .

Morning all. I look forwad to watching Silk and The widower tonight, I forego them so I can watch Great Canal Journeys as that is not anyway on the web to download! I am fascinated by it, We have a friend here who owns a canal boat in Macclesfield, and he is always inviting us to go with him or to use it on our own, but they look a tad hazardous to steer, and I wuold not be able to leap nimbly to the lock gates to open them.

Have a terrible pain in the left side of my neck, goes right to the top of my head, have had it for ages, and I think it's do to with the shoulder I have operated on in 2007 or a brain tumour! Suppose I had better see the medico but as shaney says I feel such a nuisance.
Maybe there was not a silk last night?
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Morning all
Nice and sunny atm but I don't think it'll last.Rain on the way according to Accu .Hope you're all ok this morning .
Silk was on last night Neti .It's a two parter as the final episode is next week and they won't be making any more .
Morning isn't nice & sunny here, it's abysmal, dark, cold and wet.

I don't go to the docs when I probably could or should either. I think it's the way we were brought up, my mum never even filled the first page on her gp record. I was very annoyed and upset for the fibro woman. I've had 'that look' from one or two people whose opinion didn't matter but reasonable to excellent responses from medics. Woe betide (I love that phrase) anyone who tells me it's in my head!

I think I'll watch The Widower again, I was too tired and uncomfortable to concentrate.

Neti...go to the Mexico.....
Haha...predictive text! Medico!

Hope your bro has a lovely birthday shaney.
Good morning all, Shaney happy birthday to your bro. Cold and grey again here.
Happy Birthday shaney's bro x
When I first came here we had to pay to see the medico, certainly didn't rush there at the first pimple!
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Aw thank you..
We're all going out for a meal this evening .
Other brother can't make it as my SiL has a hospital appt this afternoon but he's coming up early on Saturday and we'll go out for lunch .

I have made appointment with mexico (lol!) for Thursday at 11am, I am too busy to make it tomorrow. It is really hurting now have taken a paracetamol (600mgs) and am now convinced it is a tumour!!

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