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shaneystar2 | 14:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
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Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
No idea about your toe pain Neti but DH was prescribed them and they made him feel like he had constant flu without the temperature. Aches and pains all over and feeling dreadful. If your cholesterol isn't through the roof, try not taking them for a week and see if the pain gets better. I am in the middle on whether I would take them. DH couldn't tolerate them at all. My mother took them for years with no ill effects, my sis who stays with me can tolerate one kind but not another, can't remember which.
cholesterol is borderline I think, we measure it differently here, something like 200 is normal.
oh, my idiot doctor put me on simvastatin a whiel ago. After a few months I started to get aching arms, so went back and a locum said "Oh, it'll be the statins, I'll take you off them." When she looked back through my record there was no reason I should have been on them the first place and all subsequent blood tests say there's nowt wrong with my cholesterol.

There are a variety of them and one might work where others don't.

That was a different doctor from the one I went to with a pain in my ribs, Robi... he poked around and told me I had intracostal neuralgia, which is a pain in the ribs but in Latin, so that shows the value of education..
we have just had someone from "Microsoft" on the phone offering to fix our non-existent computer security problem so OH has spent 10 minutes winding him up; he ended up saying *** off and hanging up.
that was just burger off, nothing worse.
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Oh we've had them on the phone Jno ..or some other guy who said he was from Windows. I just hang up .I get fed up with these cold callers .
Well, having looked at some of these reviews I think I might ditch these statins for a while depending on the outcome of my Xray.
I've always been able to more or less cope with this OA but I'm really struggling atm to even walk up the High St which is minutes away.
I've never had a computer caller before but thanks to this site, I was aware, not that I would ever give out my c/card number to anyone, and if anything is wrong with computer I take it to a local shop! I was scared to keep him online in case it was one of those where they do not hang up etc. (you know what I mean).

I've cleared the garden debris, and thrown the old disinfectant about, Now there's the big side patio to weed! ugh!
Just googled simvastatin and says be careful if one has a thyroid problem which I do, I suppose my medico knows what he is doing!
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I've just googled that Neti .
I take 200mg levothyroxine daily for Hashimoto's disease. On one site it says.... Avorstatin should be used in caution for people with an underactive thyroid gland (hypothyroidism).
I might throw them in the bin :)
I take 100mg of Eutirox which is the same as yours Levothyroxine, may bin mine too, and cut down on the cronuts!

mine seems to improve the HT ! Hmmmmm!!!

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Damned if you ,damned if you don't Neti !
I can see that it could improve results of those with thyroid problems but that doesn't help if you suffer from OA and the statins just make it worse .
I really should take a leaf out of Mr S's book who refuses to take any medication whatsoever .He wouldn't even have painkillers in hospital in spite of going through the mill.
Mind you the thyroxine is important and I have no choice but to take it.
I'm not the only one then Shaney! I hate medication of any kind but sometimes I suppose you just have to.
Don't bin them, but you could try a week to 10 days off and see what happens, it only took about three or four days for DH's symptoms to subside, then he went back on them and they came back so he stopped them for good, again 3 or 4 days later he was fine.
Yes I will ditch them for a week to 10 days and see what happens to my feet.
If it is the tablets, you won't just see improvement, the pain will go completely in my experience of what happened to DH
Weird day here, i got up feeling fine then started to feel sick and a bit giddy and haven't been right all day. I slept most of the afternoon and woke up hungry so I has some plain crisps and ginger ale and now I feel sick again.
No no Woofy, you cannot be ill. You are our nurse. Chop chop eat the crisps, get better.
Oh dear just reread your post. Don't eat the crisps.
lol Neti, I'll live!

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