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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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Thanks Woofy. I'll take your advice too and stop taking them for a while and see what happens .Hope you soon feel better .I don't feel too cracky this evening .Might be the change in the weather .It's turned very chilly here tonight and I cant get warm so I'm off to bed .Oight all .
Oight Oight biddyfriends every where.
oight oight Jude.

I've been wearing flight socks as my ankles have been swelling and turning bright red with ordinary socks. But they're thin and I had to put slippers on too. Then it got colder still so now I have sox for a fox on as well. I'd like to say it's a chilly winter but it's a mild spring and a chilly me, I think.
Can't sleep, been awake for ages.
nice day here agan. Until the rain and the hail and the cold come this afternoon.
Hi all, just done the shopping, very grey and chilly here today. Not much doing, M N and I are going on a satellite hunt to find a man who can!!!!
Morning all. Big match today. Derby v Nottingham Forest.
They're the rival team from the other end of Brian Clough way. About 20 on The Red Arrow coach.
It's cold and windy but the sun us shiningat the
The sun is shining at the moment. Pressed submit by mistake. Hope you all gave a good weekend.
I've just got my DNA results in and I have some African blood I didn't know about, probably from around 1800, and Indian too. I am thinking a Zulu warrior who married a Rajasthan princess. I wonder if there are still any family elephants?
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Morning all
Bright and sunny ,will it last ?
Lol Jno ..have we got to rename you Queen Jno of the Raj.
Nothing much doing here .It's a statin free day.
if there are jno, don't ask me to clean up after them!
Good morning all. a good nights sleep and a settled stomach!! much better!! I also bought a Lloyd loom laundry basket and a silver propelling pencil from ebay. There's nothing like spending money to make your stomach settle.

been browsing the site....aren't folk strange?
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Ooh I love propelling pencils . I love any pens and pencils actually ,and notebooks ,writing pads , I spend a lot of time looking on Cult Pens .They've got Crown Mill writing paper now which I'm dithering over and I recently bought a lovely notepad with a cover from Rhodia .
Spent all day trying to remove a thingy which attached itself to my computer, with a load of help from Technology, they are marvellous. Think I may have done it but not too sure.

Mr N and I went for a Sat drink, but the bar was sooo boring, but the best thing is my friend who makes lots of cakes, well her hubby makes lots of pies so I bought a cheese and onion patty, delish way better than Greggs!
Super Rams. 5 - 0

Steve Bloomer's watching helping the fight
Guiding our heros in the black and the white
All teams who come here there's nowhere to hide
Everybody's frightened of that Derby pride.

Felt sick all morning so couldn't go - so angry - but managed to watch it on Sky.

Super Rams!!!
Shaney I love pens and all sorts of stationery(or ary) too. I usual write letters by hand on proper writing paper.
Stupid thing, I cannot make shortcuts atm, keeps going to google, I hate this.
shaney you should not tell me about those websites!! i too have a few people who write to me on paper with a pen and i write back in the same way. i still have the red leather letter writing folder i used to take to sea with me only now it doesnt have airmail paper in it. i use my dad's silver Parker biro or my own mont blanc fountain pen, its very soothing
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Oh what a shame Jude .At least they won .Lots of muttering here about the poor performance by Norwich lately .They just can't score !
I always write on nice paper with a fountain pen for my correspondence Not many people left to write to now though ,just my old schoolfriends and a couple of elderly ladies in Germany .
I love to send and receive a hand written letter .
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Lol....Cult Pens is addictive Woofy !
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Happy shaneys here Jude ...Norwich won more long faces and in depth discussions until the next time

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