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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 14:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
19:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
it's getting a bit nippy way down here in the deep south too, Jude.The plum tree's covered in blossom, lots of camellias out, daffs and hyacinths all over, and yet I still keep fearing there could be a blizzard at any moment.
Got rather chilly here late afternoon, I put socks and slippers and thick clothes, then we ate a lovely hot beef stew.

My poor friend's second brain op didn't work either, they are trying to get the abcess. She now has weeks of anti bios and scans until the next op.
Oh dear Neti. I will keep her in my prayers.
The weather is mizz here too. We went out mega erranding today, trip to the bank to pay in shares, then to the craft shop, then to the local garden centre to order my soil for the year then tesco for a big shop. We are all now flaked.
Thanks woofy every little bit helps.
and it's good morning from me.

Just had a strange phone call but thought it was a scam so hung up. CB confirms it. I'm just wondering what the caller gets out of it?

Lovely day here, am still in bed, better shake a leg soon.

Hope Robinia and jno are feeling better today.
Just heard my friend is being transferred to Haywards Heath which is apparently the best hospital for brain trauma.
oh your poor friend, neti, I am wishing her well through bleary eyes.

We once had a call saying jno jnr had been taken into Stoke Mandeville. We shot up the M1 in terror that he was quadriplegic or something. But it turned out he'd been playing rugby over the road from the hospital, had got twisted in a scrum, so was taken in for observation, which happily revealaed nothing wrong.
Morning all...bright, breezy 'n sunny but a bit nippy.
Garden looks good today. I can recommend this cosmic ordering, I ended up with three other potential offers of garden help yesterday! Like bloomin buses they were.
My head's still a bit sore, had to get up in the night for a drink and tablets.

Despite feeling like a limp lettuce I was quite busy, I went to view a big posh pile with the Tarquins....oooh, all that cleaning...and gardening...and bills. This is starting to look attractive to me, I can do a tour of all the biddy drives

Your poor friend neti, hope things get better very soon for her.

These jnr's worry you don't they...Ozzy's always been the more accident prone one. Tarquin was whisked off to hospital once with chest pain, they didn't tell me at the time, but he was ok (he'd probably been shinning up the side of rockfaces).
morning all, we've got the bright and nippys here too...having another slow start to the day Shughy is aslep but he has just stolen half a cup of coffee so he'll be bouncing off the walls later.
Hi Robi I hope you feel better soon and Jno hope you see clearly again very quickly. Thinking about your friend Neti must be so upsetting.
Woofy and Shaney hope all's well in your 'neck of the woods'. Hi Lottie if you're about.

Talking about youngsters I remember when Steady was out on his motor bike in his 20s and I got a phone call from the hospital. It was a nurse on a ward telling me he was really ok but had been knocked off his bike and he wanted me to fetch him home. He had all the proper leather gear on which I had insisted on when he started riding so he was only bruised. He was knocked off by a drunken driver car and his bike and helmet were write offs. In a way he got full re-payment from a group called Motor Cycle insurance, something like that. But I was just pleased he as ok.
Off to the dentist now for a checkup. Laters 'Gaters!
Honestly who'd have kids?
My Mum had no idea what a traffic bollard was until a policemen turned up at the door because my middle sister (I am the youngest) had knocked one down riding the motorbike that my parents didn't know she had. I got away with murder because my parents were so relieved that i wasn't as "interesting" a child as my sister!!
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Hello all
Another lovely sunny day .Hope you're all as well as.
I hope your friend will soon be well again Neti .She's in good hands .
Lol..Robinia ,send your offerers here .I approached the chap who does next door .Twenty quid an hour ! And he's one of these who strings it out . Steve used to charge a tenner an hour and did the lot in about three hours .
I'll have to ring round some of the small ads otherwise I'll be swinging through the trees soon .
Picky is going to cut the grass for me on Sunday but I dare not let him loose with any strimmers or trimmers .He thinks he's on chain saw massacre when he gets hold of any power tools .
I was a sweet child and then an "interesting" teenager onwards!

Woofy, like shaney I do not like taking statins daily, is it OK to take one every other day, I'm sure they are the cause of the discomfort in my toes, I feel as though I have a pencil underneath both feet.
List6en up biddies - I have just de weeded the patio and side garden, that's my gardening for the year, I've left the debris for another day!
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Deweeded ? Oooh ..I can offer bed and three square Neti :)
Don't talk to me about those bldy statins .I'm beginning to wonder if they're not the cause of all this pain in my hips and lower back .I do have arthritic pain but this is really chronic .I take 20mg Avorstatin a day although at my last blood test results my cholesterol was 4.
I take Simvastatin 20mg except I do it every other day if then. Yes I think this is the problem, it makes my toes hurt.
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Hmmmm..have a look at this Neti
Read down to the people who have posted .
Probably I'm being stupid but I've refused statins so has Fuschia. I just say as long as I'm active as much as I am I'm going to keep going. If I keep going to 80 (6 years) without then any years after that are a bonus.
Having said that if I'm sent for another test and my Dr. talks to me about it, not the nurse, then maybe I'll be persuaded.

Been to the dentist and she said all's well. Have to go back in 6 months. Cost me £18 going up to £18.50 in April.

This morning I took the curtains down in my bedroom cleaned all the track etc. all I have to do now is iron my summer ones and put them up. Job done. Ignoring the painting in there until the back bedroom is sorted!!

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