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Frying Pans

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shaneystar2 | 15:56 Wed 06th Nov 2013 | Shopping & Style
1783 Answers
Where can I buy a pan like this User Recommendation
without ,what to me ,is a hefty price tag for something that will only be used occasionally.Mr S has a fancy for toad in the hole and I'm finding it increasingly difficult to juggle pans in and out of ovens which contain hot fat.


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online shopping is the dog's pyjamas. Robi, I am amazed the the idiot woman is still alive, she wouldn't be if I got my hands on her. having fun with sharia wills in legal :)
20:21 Mon 24th Mar 2014
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Mrs Doubtfire ? I'll have you know I look nothing like her !
I'm more Hinge and Bracket
Well, Line Of Duty was brilliant .Also watched The Widower ,very creepy and the Plantagenets I was going to watch Bradley on +1 but will be square eyed soon so I'll watch later.
Hope your head eases soon Robinia ,yoohoo Jude .Look after that eye Jno .
Goodnight all and woofers .
I watched the first part of the Planatagenets with me one eye, which was all it required as the visuals were just stock shots of men in armour hacking at each other, plus some water flowing and some fire burning to indicate this and that. Why they didn't show some clips of Peter O'Tooke and Katharine Hepburn going haammer and tongs I don't know. It was all quite lucid, though.

I've been trying to think what a dynasty means and I suppose it's when the crown goes to a female, so her husband is considered the founder of a new dynasty, even though he only got it from his wife. That sounds a bit unfair to me.
Peter O'Tooke, I suppose he's an Irish hobbit
ooo the Lion in Winter.
"there'll be bacon in the treetops in the morning"
thats a very chilling film.

oight oight all, i used to love Hinge and Bracket
good morning each and every!!

Firstly jude well done on getting a Galxy ACE 3, super phone, you'll have great fun with it, and it will drive you potty at times!

Robi I've been worrying about your since 5am, your headaches must be unbearable, isn't there anything you can do, I don't understand as I rarely suffer from them.

Have given up on Law and Order it keeps changing to different times and places and I am just not into it. Loved The widower which is apparently a true story, creepy!

Have nothing much to do today so no rushing about but I expect I'll wash the bedding as yesterday the drain behaved and did not flood the side patio, but that may be of course simply because it hadn't been used for a day or two and could not back up, we'll see. Cannot find Mr N's snakes for clearing drains so have used two wire hangers, caustic soda and a length of tv aerial cable! Fingers crossed.
Hope you feeling OK today jno, it's difficult without a focal point isn't it?

My niece's sister is to have another brain operation as the first one didn't work, she has 7 big staples in her head and she's worried sick, I'd stay with her if I were there, but I am not.
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Morning all
Lovely sunny one .Hope you're all ok .
Law & Order is a different episode each time Neti .It's based on the US version.
Nothing much going on here .I may have a wander to the shops later once the drugs kick in .
new eye is throbbing a bit. I have been waiting for the nurofen to kick in but have now realised that I haven't actually taken one.

Never mind, I think I'll get some brain surgery tomorrow.
sorry jno, but that's funny! We were up most of the night here, no idea why, dogs very restless, still its a good excuse to do naff all today.
Have any of you tasted Cronuts? They are delicious, half croissant and half doughnut, with icing, very expensive here at 2€ each but had to try one, oh dear must stay away from that shop!!

Beautiful day here and yes I wore a leopardskin floaty top, and I felt a bit self-conscious but a lot of people are wearing leopardskin in all shapes and sizes! I did cover up at first with a cardi (no not a Pauline Fowler one) but then I took it off and strode proudly along the prom, prom, prom.
Good wateveritis, wildly windy and rain on the way. :(

Aww, don't worry about me neti, it happens and I've far. It's nagging again today, lousy night's sleep and I feel ragged but my hairdresser's been and done me a quick trim and my friend's OH over the road has been and whizzed over the grass for me...just the top taken off for the first cut but it looks so much better.

That's my trick jno, I sit down with tea & tablets and forget to take them. Hope the pain eases, you're very brave.

I watched The Widower, what a weirdo, but it wasn't that long ago and there obviously wasn't much investigation done after the 'accident'.
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They've got similar here in Greggs Neti . They're called Greggsnuts
Only in London branches though .Us plebs have to hoof it with a common old jam one .
Oooh I would love a common old jam one, sadly not available here.
They are called Berliners over here and the only shop that used to make them occasionally has since become a dress boutique!!
oh, was that like JFK saying Ich bin ein Berliner? I remember people pointed out at the time that it actually meant "I am a doughnut" and he should have left out the ein.
Just watched The Widower again, how did he get away with telling his rescuer that there was no one else in the car, and then they found he why??r and buried her, no one quiered (sp?)
It's OK have just realised that I did not watch it through and he's explained that he was too dazed to remember for 2 days!
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He's really creepy Neti ! shudder
This is the real person that it's based on .
I'm home now from Nottingham. Lovely music. Bassoon and piano. They played Bach amongst a couple of other composers. Very likeable music. Then we went for a meal in. Bistro Pierre. We had one 2 course meal for free as we had 9 stamps on our Card
hope your eye heals quickly Jno.

It's now scything down and really cold di my heating is now turned up.
off to make a cuppa now. Have a good evening all.

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