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Which Design?

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abbeylee90 | 21:11 Fri 13th Dec 2024 | Shopping & Style
17 Answers


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Not on a secure connection, Abbey!

For what?

tackiest? - all of them

most hideous? - the blue one - I mean seriously


What prudie said you know what is appearing beneath the nail pictures? 

I've asked Chris to do something with the link 🙈

Abbey, there are live sex cams there for those without Adblockers.

Oh I missed that, are they on a par with the nail designs?


That's odd!

I've never noticed those sort of ads on that site before.  (However my web browser's built-in ad-blocker is enabled by default.  So I had to disable it to see what everyone was going on about).

For anyone who prefers to see Abbey's pic without the 'entertainment', this link will hopefully do the job:

The first red one - blue is awful!

perhaps the live sex cam will be the next subject of "shall i apply for this job"

re nails. any french mani that includes any tips but white makes it look like you have dirt under your nails

Oh my goodness I opened the link without reading the responses!!

totally inappropriate to see  that!! Can you please remove this link 

As for the nails are you considering having interviews in the next couple of weeks because they are not really appropriate.

If not then the first set as it's the least tackiest 

LOL, Well done Abbey, you nailed it this time.

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Sorry didn't the advertisements 

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I've reported it.

I like the Rudolph one if shown to me by a an eight year old young girl... but as an adult what are you going to wear when you have them done.

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