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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Night night.

I am shattered!!
Goodnight Lottie and Everybiddy else. I've been listening to Johnny Walker interview Neil Diamond. I never realized how many lovely songs he actually wrote himself.
Sleep tight All ~ Love Jude x
I ended up getting involved on Ed's IVF thread.

I am really going to bed now.


I love Johnny Walker and I adore Neil Diamond. An amazing song writer and a lovely, lovely modest man.
Neil Diamond was a songwriter in the Brill Building in NY before he took to singing himself. He wrote I'm a Believer for the Monkees.
Good morning all

Up doing my motherly chores :0(

Love Neil Diamond
have changed all three settee throws and washing all the cushion ocvers. Chairs is now a nice cream colour (until the family get home!)
another bright sunny day (though not particularly hot), but it will all end in tears... thunderstorms this evening (radio) heavy showers (BBC), rain (Accu).
Morning all...been up since before 7am...and doing no chores :o)
... same here weatherwise jno. I have to mosey on down to ye olde shoppes before it all changes.
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Morning all, Shughy had imaginary fireworks last night so we are all a bit pooped today.
oh dear, this thread is NSFD (not safe for dogs)

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oh okay, now I know, Shughy's been watching youtube again.
When we were walking home on Sat night there were a couple of huge bangs and soke everywhere and some kids were letting off fireworks on the beach, needless to say the cops were there immediately flashing lights et al, hope they got them!

Just made a corn beef hash flan (even made my own pastry, it is better than the shop bought ones), now off to make coleslaw!
you can make cole slaw? What, do you pick the cole slaw plants and rub mayonnaise on them or something? I let Mr Tesco do that for me.
I feel somewhat dismayed to find that someone has been so nasty about me in the fertility thread. It was a good thread with no arguments. Never mind, it's silly to be upset.

No internet again this morning. Went to Morrisons and Lidls - but still no perfume in Lidls.

Very hot here and am really looking forward to the promised rain tonight.

Just going back to look through this mornings posts.
I guess it's just a sensitive topic, Lottie. Most people tried to stop it becoming personal, but not everyone succeeded. As if the question was 'Should IVF be banned?' rather than just 'Should it be on the NHS?'
Don't worry Lottie, I'm frequently dismayed on here. I might get the Spare to tell me I'm a monumental arse when I finally flip. :o) One of those people you mention is often abrupt with others.

haha, lol @ making cole slaw...yesterday my friend said she had to rush off to get *husband's* dinner & that they were having chicken portions, already seasoned and ready to cook in a bag, new potatoes, ready prepped & smothered in butter, and veg in micro bags...I don't know why she goes to all that bother, there's a chippy not far away :o)
Ha, ha re the 'cooking' Robi. Last night we had roast chicken and loads of veg - all prepared from scratch. Not difficult is it and somewhat cheaper.

I must admit though tonight it is a Morrisons Gruyere and bacon tart, but the salad and potatoes will be home prepared!!

Jno, you are right. You would think we were anti IVF, and yes Robbie, that person is very inclined to cause problems. Not a very nice person in my opinion.

Anyway, I said my bit and am now keeping clear!!
I must admit any coleslaw in this house is of the Morrisons variety. I just cannot be bothered with all that fiddling about. Mr LL makes a lovely salad with a great dressing. It is the one thing I hate doing. He takes great pride in his home made salad dressing.
Stopping now for a cuppa, I think my thyroid must have gone into overdrive, can't stop working! I make all my meals from scratch, there's not much ready made over here.
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hello all, we have just been and had a picnic and watched the sea...we bought the picnic in tescos on the way. I like to scratch cook and do it quite a lot as DH is a fussy bugger regarding skin, gristle, bloody bits etcetera.
Lottie that is always an emotive subject....The fallacy that always has me biting my tongue HARD is "oh unless you have felt the agony of someone who is desperate to have children and can't then you can't have an opinion/your opinion is worthless/you are a coldhearted unfeeling person."
I voted a blanket no as well.

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