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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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I'm binding do-gooders...

Sweetly bewitched, arrantly lush. Yellower halo up ale.

<If they think Nottm speak's bad let em sort that out :o)>
Robi, it means you are tied up bond style ,, pi**ed as a newt with yellow teeth.
*bondage* this stupid phone!
Question Author
won £5.60 on euromillions.....heigh ho......
Have spent mine :0(
Afternoon, have been coffeeing at Garden Centre and had a really lush apricot crumble!!

Have also tested all the various colognes and perfume and now smell like a brothel. (Not that I know what one smells like!!)

Just going for a look round AB.

neti you understand me so well...I've been thinkin' about you - there's a big spider taken up residence in my kichen. He sits on the floor at the corner of the washing machine & watches me & whooshes behind it when I get too close...I've called him Daz :o)

nothin' on the euro, tut

I smell like a dust bag, I've been cleaning.
All my spiders are called Fred!
Tip of the day. Never never never have an all white kitchen installed!!
Especially with ridges on the doors. Also white plinths under the cupboards. Just had a jop and a half. But done it now thank goodness.

Lottie - I could just eat a big bowl of Apricot Crumble and Custard but will settle for banana and creme fraiche.

Hope you're all having a decent day and OHs are doing alright. The weather here is a bit hit and miss. Sunny for and hour then rain for about 10 mins

My car's coming back at 5 then I'm off out for an evening meal with a friend - female!

See yer later 'gater(s)
A jop what's that then!!?
Question Author
DH went to see Fil but half way there his tum upset struck again. Sensible man has turned around and come home. He is looking weary but okay, honestly he'd be loads better if he'd rest what else is new?
oh dear, hope Mr w feels better soon

Jude I love white/ivory kitchens and they show the muck as and when it happens

piddling down again here, it was sunny a few mins ago and I was going to go outside
We had an all white kitchen put in 10yrs ago and it looks disgusting now, however much I clean it, I want a lovely pine one but they are all so expensive here.

Woofy, you remember the thing about dialysis that I posted from a rellie of mine in NZ? well he got a phone call and had to be in hospital in 2rs and he received a kidney and pancreas transplant, after 3years on dialysis. Unfortunately someone had to die to save him, but he is now on the kidney ward for 2 weeks and then hopefully onto a new life.

Hija has treated me to lunch at cafe Sydney and I am stuffed!

Robi, spiders at this time tut, get hoovering girl!!
Question Author
Oh wow Neti that is lovely news.
Poor Mr Woof.

Good news Neti.

I definitely need my eyes testing again soon. I just read Robi's post as:

Jude I love white/ivory knickers and they show the muck as and when it happens

Oh dear!!
Have had a friend round for a chat and cuppa this afternoon, sitting in the garden in the sunshine. Very relaxing.

Tonight, Mr LL and I are going to try the new Marston's eatery that has just been built next to Morrisons in the town. It only opened last week, so they are trying hard to impress. Cheap and cheerful meals, but so nice and close to home.
This is where our cat Alice spends her holidays - in a luxury suite!! I wouldn't mind staying there myself. Wonderful place.
Hello chooks
Hope all are well .
So so day here .We've had sun ,rain and thunder .Sunny at the mo'though so hopefuly the dripping washing which I hung out only to turn my back for it to pee down wil dry off.
I didn't win the Euromillions either so our jetsetting is on hold :)

What a good outcome for your relative Neti .
Pine kitchens are a pain ..They gather muck I can assure you .Give me anything plain any day .Much easier to keep clean .I'm too old to be a scrubber.
Otherwise nothing to report .
Take care all xx
Crikey my spelling is getting worse .I need Jno to proof read :)

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