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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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I'm quite a lazy cook now, comes of being a solo diner. That said I've bought ingredients for a chicken/mushroom casserole but I'll do it mañana, it's a bit close for putting the oven on today. S'pect I'll be eating it all week :o)

It keeps spitting with rain here...I forgot my eurolotto so I've just bought one online, it'll be a nice surprise when I log onto my bank details tomorrow & £154 million bursts out of the puta :o)
I think if I were on my own I would still cook, but it would be things like tomatoes and basil on Pasta, pasta with this and pasta with that and bitsy eating like stir fried bits and pieces. I much prefer food like that anyway. The roast chicken was really for Mr LL who adores chicken. I much prefer it done any way that hides the flavour - or lack of flavour.

Just thinking about me being 'cold' again. If I wanted any more children I probably would have prefered to adopt an older child and given a disadvantaged child a home. Is this being cold? I really do sympathise with people who cant have children, but have no sympathy for them if they turn bitter towards people who do.
How's about this for 'a job's worth'. I got on the bus at The Bus Station, and which was due to leave at 9.30 exactly, and the driver said I couldn't use my pass even though I can use it after 9.30. in the morning. Anyway after a bit of deliberation he let me on but didn't give me a ticket saying that the machine didn't work til halfpast. We didn't leave until 9.30. When I got to my stop he said I was a cheeky woman and he shouldn't have let me on because he would be backing out of the Bus Station at 9.30. so I couldn't have got on anyway. So I just whispered to him without a fuss that I'd be taking the matter a further.
So when I got back to Derby I asked a group of Bus employees that if a bus was due to leave the bus station at 9.30 could I use my pass and without any hesitation the all said in unison.

Hope you've all had a good day. I am now eagerly awaiting me car being returned tomorrow. I do miss it for shopping more than anything.

Yes Neil diamond sang some lovely and sad songs he'd written. He's not a performer I had ever really followed in my younger days. He wrote this one when he had left his wife and 2 daughters to further his career and he was missing them all so much and wondered if there was any way back to his wife and family.

The rain has subsided now but for how long I don't know. We could do with a real downpour but it's not happened yet.
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I think its a question of those people (the children at any price bleeding heart agony all over the place) lacking empathy. They are so caught up in their own world (selfish?) that they cannot imagine that they could be wrong or that someone who doesn't think that the NHS should fund IVF can ever have gone through any kind of pain over failing to conceive...because OF COURSE if we had felt that pain then we would be over on the weeping wailing and abusing side of the fence with them. WELL I choose not to be. I am not a victim, I am more than my ovaries and I have worth as a person not a baby machine. There, that's off my chest :-)
I do apologise Lottie and Woofy for interrupting you IVF conversation. Didn't mean to get in the way.
quite right, woofy; and though I didn't like to say it on the thread, I sometimes wonder if the ones who obsess about having babies will actually make good parents anyway; obsessional types who have invested all their hopes and dreams in getting pregnant may be a bit surprised (as most people are) at the reality when a baby actually arrives. I suspect the best mums are like Lottie, not desperate for a child but grown up enough to cope when one comes along.

I have just got a 5p off petrol voucher from Tesco for buying a few tuna chunks. It says on it that multiple vouchers can't be used for one petrol purchase... but lo and behold, on their website it says you can use up to three and save 15p a litre. I rang them up to ask about this and they confessed that the vouchers might be a teensy weensy bit misleading, and you can indeed use three, though it mightn't be a bad idea to print out the website page when you do. So 15p off isn't bad if you've got a thirsty car. (But you can only buy one pack of tuna at a time so you'll have to make three trips.) TOP TIP
hi, Jude, glad you've had success in taking on the jobsworths too!
I couldn't vote a definite yes or no as I think there are certain circumstances when I thnk the NHS could pay and then again not.
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hello jude, sorry for seeming to ignore you...yes jobsworths deserve stomping on and I am glad that you did. I am helpless without a car here too. The busses are diabolical and there is still quite a hike between bus stop and front door so a bit useless for serious shopping. I like us. we have differing views about sensitive subjects and that's okay, we are all grown ups.
How true Woofy!

Jude, you did well. The bus driver is probably a henpecked wimp who needs to show his authority. Small minded ridiculous little man!! They turn up all over the place. What miserable lives they must live to have to act like that.
My main point on the IVF thread is that the NHS is strapped for cash. It needs to get back to what it originally was intended for. No one would object to IVF treatment being free on the NHS if it was a bottomless pot of funding.

And unfortunately if it helps more people to have babies, then the funding will be even more stretched. We have to live in the real world and the real world is a hard place to live in.
Don't upset yourself over it Lofty .
This is one of the reasons I avoid all this sort of thing on here .It's bound to degenerate into a row. Best avoided ,better for your BP :)
I would have voted no ,had I voted .I do feel sorry for people who can't have children but we can't all have what we want .
Some leave it later and later to have children these days ,pursuing a career first and then wonder why they don't conceive and expect the NHS to sort it .
The old body clock only ticks for so long and the NHS only has X amount of money to go round .
Well I hope you are all OK .Lovely day here but I think rain is on the way according to the forecast.
We're having scratchies for dinner .Home made frikadellen ,yesterdays cold spuds fried up and sweet salad .

I if win the Euromillions I'll fly us all to somewhere pleasantly warm and sunny
to be waited on hand and foot .
Be good biddies .T.Pip for now .
Well hello there Shaney :o)
Can you book us in one of these hotels please Shaney.

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I am getting boring, I fancy a viking river cruise bot don't fancy the communal eating. Just as well really we couldn't take the dogs and DH can't miss his dialysis.
With pleasure Lofty .I mean' millions and millions and millions .We could jet set round the world for ever .
And I would have a permanent person on hand for Mr Woofy and you can have have a secluded spot to eat while the rest of us fight over the chish and fips .
Anything can be achieved with money .
Dream on Shaney :)
But ..would I want to ? If I won it I'd probably give it all away .A couple of bob will see us out .
you can get room service... at a price...

On our German cruise, meeting different passengers every night at dinner (many of them Americans, Viking seem to promote themselves a lot in the US), was one of the pleasures.
ooh, started raining. This may be a good time to go and eat one of the Magnums I got from Tesco.

(I didn't say "appropriate time", just good time.)
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if it was just us biddies and attachments that would be fine. When DH was at work i spent quite a bit of time dining with strangers and I am now a miserable isolationist cow :-)
I am a hard-of-hearing cow, which doesn't always make for good conversation, especially in a busy dining room, but I do try hard!

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