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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Blimey woofy, however are you going to manage with all those, I'd end up knitting with the long grass.
I had a folding walking stick last year when my back/hip was really bad. I didn't really know how to use it and gave up. My main problem is not being able to pick my feet up high enough, especially my right leg, so I drag my feet and trip over.
I still feel like going back to bed and sleeping!!
yes, I'm sleepy too, don't know why because I slept well the past few nights.
I had a walking stick when I first developed a bad back some years ago but I only used in house, (back was too bad to go out for some time) it was mainly to help me get up from chairs and to prod unwanted sales people who came to the door. :o)

No sign of Daz anyway neti...
<note to self - Don't put glasses on and shine bright torch into unreachable corners...oh dear>.
I have to use my stick from time to time Woofy .One of those folding ones . My left knee gives me a lot of gyp .
My GP said I was on the way to an eventual replacement but having seen what happened to my brother I shall hang it out as long as poss .
Clouded up here now and looks like rain .Got all washing dry though .
Oh dear now I feel guilty for rushing about and washing everything in sight. Had a lazy day yesterday but can't be doing with lolling about too long. Have to get up early again tomorrow to take hija to work cos of the car situation!
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My knee is cartilage tear they can poke about and fix it but I have no faith and can't be off my feet or in hospital at the mo.
Net I am very good at abandoning a stick in the wrong place then getting marooned, hence the need for more than one.
Mr N has the hump! I asked if on Sat pm while he was playing golf, if I could have the car, as then I could collect hija and do the few odd jobs that I have to do with the car and then I could collect him if he can't get a lift home. Big huff, stupid man. It's his birthday tomorrow and he always gets ratty when he has to open presents and actually say thank you for something, miserable git.
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Don't give him anything then he'll really have something to get the hump about!
Well I have slept most of the day and it's obvious that IBS has been the cause. It always makes me tired. My lovely meal out last night has a lot to answer for and I have a horrible suspicion that I shouldn't drink wine at all.

Grumpy old man syndrome Neti.

Mr LL admits to it!!
good heavens, I was about to ask what Ian Duncan Smith had done to your tum, Lottie

<frantically cleans glasses>

Am feeling quite cheery about that wretched newspaper closing down; I was really upset at those stories about hacking Milly's phone. Though I know that 99% of the people sacked will be entirely innocent and the guilty ones will just be redeployed.

Sun has sort of come out here but it feels wintry. I still have a couple of walking sticks collapsed in a drawer somewhere but haven't really needed them since the allo-p started keeping the gout at bay (only one relapse since I began taking them, and that was in my knee). I'll take a spare to the AB summer fete though, just in case I want to try the elderflower wine.
Just a quick call in to say Goodnight Everybiddy. I'm shattered See you tomorrow,
Laters gaters!!
Off to bed again shortly. I don't know why I bothered to get up. The Ian Duncan Smith is settling down!!

Night night all.
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morning all, its like winter here. I have the heating on. Knee behaving itself.
Morning woofy, glad to hear about knee.

Waited up for hija til she came home at 2am and now taking her to work, I am shattered. Must do the Eutomillions today.
Back home again, and Mr N very nice and opened all his presents and showed acceptable pleasure at them! (I think he knew his life was in the balance). Just knelt down and my knee "popped" and is jolly well aching now - grrr!
I was very surprised to see that TNOTW is a small paper, last time I saw it, it was a big newspaper! Yes i feel very sorry for the innocent workers there, the management is so sleazy. That Rebekah woman was divorced from Ross Kemp cos she beat him up, says it all really!!
Morning all...pretty chilly here too, I'm fed up of it now.

Happy birthday to Mr Biza!
Good morning everyone. Colder today and a bit drizzly and Happy Bday Mr N.

Shaney I like your kitchen it is really homely like where I used to live. Where I am now isn't cottagey or cosy just an ex council house altered to how I want it and easy to manage.

I don't understand this closing down of TNOTW because the Sun on Sunday or whatever it is called will surely just carry on the same except for the criminal element (phone hacking etc). Perhaps I'm missing the point. I'm sticking with my Sunday Puzzles pages in the Express and my Derby Evening Telegraph.

I'm off to my sister's today for my Sat. morning cuppa a day early as I'm off to Sheringham tomorrow. Yippee!!

It is now raining, well drizzling, heavily if you can have that sort of rain. :¬)

Have a decent day all!
See yer later 'gater(s)
yes, "heavy drizzle" here too, and not warm either. And the weatherman says there's more on the way!! I am just feeling so unsummery. I make that three bad summers and three bad winters in a row. Wasn't like this while Tony Blair was in power!

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