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big white cups in twinings ad

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woofgang | 10:45 Fri 03rd Apr 2009 | Shopping & Style
1018 Answers
Hi all, there are some superb big white teacupsin the new twinings ad (back off hols, run indoors through rain, make tea)
Does anyone know where i can get them please?


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Blimey, its even overcast here. Some. Woman got knocked ovet and still waiting more than half hour for ambulance
Morning all
Dull here but quite warm .
Happy Birthday to Mr Neti .

I rarely read newspapers these days only the local paper and I buy the I on Friday 'cos it has a good cryptic crossie .
Mr S is the newspaper junkie but he won't buy The Times or any of that awful man Murdochs rags .
Cameron's wriggling now having been in bed with these scoundrels and scandal mongers .
Hope you are all Ok today .Must make a move and organise myself .
Toodlepip for now .
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Wet and windy here. I am spending time juggling DH's appointments for next week.
Oh yes woofy, that's him!!!!

The ambulance came after one hour!
When I said my house was easy to manage that is all except the b****y kitchen cupboard doors!!

Lottie's off line apparently again.

Been to my sister's and come back with a bucket full of plants to put into my my garden. Don't ask me the names. I only know one of them and that is Evening Primrose.

Here I go again - Lunch time now. My treat today is chunky oven chips.

See yer later 'gater(s)
Just made two curries, a Beef Rogan josh and a spinach, mushroom and potato one. Lengthened some trousers (the ones I forgot I had), hoovered all through, and now packing sissy's birthday present to post tomorrow. Have treated myself to a croissant for lunch, yum!!!
Hi Neti You are a busy biddy!! Can I have a curry to go with my chips please....
We have a good summer. Mixed bag of weather today, sunshine and showers, but the weekend looks to be good and it's not cold.

As Jude has said, was offline again. Have just had a call from BT. They have actually done what needed doing years ago. Been down a manhole, which is up to the top with water and found the 'box' was also full of water, joints all corrroded. Probem fixed. New watertight box new joints. Basically, we have known the problem for years and years, but BT were just loath to spend out.
Strange this happened yesterday evening.

When Mr LL arrived back from work there was a bunch of 12 red roses in sellophane outside our front gates. Now we live on a main country road and noone walks past, so can only think they might have been thrown out of a car window. Anyway they are now in a vase in my lounge, looking perkier after having been rescued.
well, a secret admirer, Lottie! Bashful, though.
Mr LL seemed a bit suspicious. Asked if I had any visitors yesterday, which I hadn't!! Very weird though!!
I can only think they were thrown because a couple were broken.
fess up lottie.
Did anyone see The Restauant Inspector this week? my bro lives 4 doors up from there! Lovely little village Westham!
No such luck Nets!!
Have just had confirmation of the ship we are going on next year

(with a different company though)

Choice of air flights are being sent shortly.

I am getting prematurely excited.
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Oo Lottie....lovely cruise. I reckon your flowers had been placed on top of the car while the driver loaded in the rest of the shopping. Things can stay there for quite some time before taking flight, I know, I exploded a Filofax that way.
Could be Woofy. But it's 3 or 4 miles away to the shops and it was quite windy yesterday. There is obviously some sort of explanation. I said perhaps the driver and passenger had a row and she threw the flowers out the window.

I prefer to have a secret admirer, but they at least would put them on the right side of the gate. ;o)
They look very pretty in their vase on the window sill!!

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