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Where can I find online =

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Greedyfly | 22:21 Sun 06th Mar 2005 | Shopping & Style
4 Answers
A sony camcorder - ccdtrv67e I have tried the sony website and have tried google etc but am getting nothing! Thanks


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If you put in "ccdrv67e" in Go Ogle, you'll get hits
Sorry I meant "ccdtrv67e"....look, my straitjacket is tight and it's hard to type...... 
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Have tried google - no hits worth looking at

HI greedyfly,I got one of Empire stores online in a sale �110 quid.Mind you they tried to charge me full price but i had printed out everything they send me so they had to send it to me in the end,What a bargain!!Dont know if there still going,worth a try .

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