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Hi All
I have news!!
I went down the pasta, sauce, salad and tiger bread route and she loved it! I also bought her a bunch of flowers and she cried (with joy!) when I gave them to her.
We got on really well! And I still fancy her like mad! There was a two-way attraction, but I was a gentleman and didn't "go for it" too much!
Then she dropped the fly in the ointment! She lives with a guy who treats her like dirt. She said that she knows that I would never treat her that way and that she is going to do summat about it, but it wont happen overnight.
I was gutted that she wasn't "totally available", but I've told her that I wont pressure her and that she has to make up her own mind.
We're gonna meet up again. And yes, I know I'll probably get hurt in the end, but I'm just enjoying the fact that someone makes my tummy flutter at the moment :o)