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How do they do it?

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anotheoldgit | 14:55 Sat 14th Aug 2010 | News
10 Answers
What have they got that the rest of Europe haven't?

/// He pointed out that Germany's strong recovery from the downturn is not being mirrored across Europe. "Germany is only 30% of the system. The other 70% are struggling. The headwinds facing the system are still immense."///


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A strong work ethic?
It always amazes me why the Germans joined the Euro instead of staying with the Deutchsmark. They had an unbelievably strong currency but they gave it up with the result that laggards such as Greece and Spain could be pulled along.

Since the war they have shown how its possible to create a strong economy but we never seem to learn from them. They believe in a strong currency unlike Britain and will go to extraordinarily lengths to keep it that way. You never hear from them saying a weaker currency would be good for their exports.

It don't need much noddle to say a 10% drop in currency means workers have to produce 10% more goods to stay even. You may produce more goods but the worker has to grind for 110% to give him his pittance.

Nationally you can see how Britain has dropped to 23rd in the world's leading nations. Every time there is a fall in the currency we slip a little deeper.
they German.s have got a manufacturing based economy, so they actually have something to sell.

Our manufacturing base was decimated 20 years ago because it was dirty and old, in favour of nice clean service industries.

Fortunately for the bankers were not allowed to failed so we are in hook to the tune of hundreds of billions.

Unfortunately for our engineering, shipbuilding, steel and coal industries, they were expendable, so we don't actually make anything to sell anymore.
I was reading about the Rover SD1 the other day and its a good representation of why our manufactuing industries failed.

It was a fantastic big comfy car. Quicker and more economical than some centemporary Jags and Mercs and had a front end that wasn't dissimilar to the Ferrari Daytona.

It won car of the year 1977 and people were queuing to buy it (some dealers were even selling delivery mileage cars at a premium over list). The problem was they didn't build enough & when it came to building more they were hampered by strikes. When the workforce did get around to doing some work the cars they made were put together so badly that in some instances you could see daylight between the top of the door frame and the roof.
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I think gromit's right in that you need a strong manufacturing industry Germany has one.

It's silly to blame 'Thatcher' as the single handed destroyer of ours though. If you look at the state of our industry in the 70's it was a bl00dy joke. People like Red robbo calling everyone out every other week because they couldn't get a 50% pay rise, or didn't have the right to sleep through the nightshift or whatever.
It wasn't just Rover either, that was the norm.
Our manufacturing industry was killed by Commie union leaders always on strike and making sh1te when they occasionally went to work. Unions killed us off, end of!
If I want to buy a quality "white good" for my kitchen I buy a Bosch (I have a Bosch dishwasher, fridge and freezer). Name a British make of quality white goods.

If I want to buy a quality car I can buy a Volkswagon or a BMW. Name me a quality British car I can buy - made by a British owned company (I know there are also quality Japanese and other cars made in the Uk).

This country I am afraid is going downhill fast. We have a huge number of lazy, overweight people who are happy to live on benefits (and are allowed to), many have almost no pride in our country or many of the products we produce.

The scum of the earth come here and bleed us dry.

It is only our financial services and our tourism that keeps us going.
Yes VHG because our car industry was destroyed by the unions.
While the unions didn't help matters, the British car industry was extremely badly managed. Strikes were not wholely brought on by 'commies', they were often jusified and the result of bad management. Also, not investing in new plant, poor designs and poor builds were the main reason for it's demise.

We still build plenty of cars, with the same workers and the same unions, just that the whole operation is better managed these days. The plants are modern and the tooling and manufacturing procedures are up to date. The models being built are better designed and what people want. More importantly, the companies continue to invest and make brave decisions such as the manufacture of the Nissan Leaf.

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