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What is Christmas all about?

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Elderman | 17:14 Tue 06th Dec 2011 | Society & Culture
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Poor naomi because of newspapers, magazines, radios and television sets, are observing how “the other half” lives. She want to live that way too.
which 'other half' would that be?
Elderman, do you know what you're talking about?

Does anyone know what he's talking about?
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Naomi.....In considering what you want out of life you must give serious consideration to your company . That is because your associates affect not only what you are doing now but also your prospects for the future. Whether you will “become wise” or will “fare badly” depends on your choice of companions. The inspired proverb makes this point when it says: “He that is walking with wise persons will become wise, but he that is having dealings with the stupid ones will fare badly.” (Prov. 13:20)
And what do I want out of life, Elderman, and with whom do I associate? You seem to know, so tell me.

Actually, I seriously think you should be rather more concerned about the people you are associating with. They've mangled your brain.
There may be something in what Elderman says. The sybaritic lifestyle, champagne, caviar, and black pudding sandwiches, are the initial pointers to the primrose path to perdition.
That was sounding good - until you got to the black pudding sandwiches. ;o)
To go back to the original question, I think Xmas is being spoilt by Religion creeping into it.
^^ :o)
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Unsureme......True. “Whereas the true lesson of Christmas is a message of divine mercy and sacrifice, Santa is the front man for greedy corporations, and the tutor in greed for millions of children. He is the saint of gimme. . . . He has become a total sellout to materialism and greed. He is in the pay of the big toy manufacturers and department stores. . . . A greedy child is never appeased. A spoiled child appreciates nothing. An overindulged child is convinced that the major figure of Christmas is not Christ, but himself.
@Elderman - Christ is increasingly an irrelevance. For those who are devout, then the meaning of christmas is rememberance of the narrative as told in the Bible.

For those who do not believe in the Abrahamic religions, or believe in nothing at all, Christmas is coming back to its roots - a pagan celebration that winter was half way done and that spring was on the way - good times, good friends, a celebration of life.

On with the antic pants and party on down is the meaning of christmas now.
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If you realize that what everybody thinks is not necessarily correct, you can find the strength to think differently. While it may seem that all others think the same way, does this mean that you should? Popular opinion is not a reliable barometer of truth. Over the centuries all kinds of ideas have been popularly accepted, only to be proved wrong later. Yet, the inclination to go along with the crowd persists. The command given at Exodus 23:2 serves as a good principle: “You must not follow after the crowd for evil ends.”
@ Elderman - truth is not a popularity contest, that is true - but your religion has spent centuries trying to make it so, and being ruthless in suppressing dissent - Galileo being one of the more famous examples.

Religion is desperate to control mind and thought and only too happy to ruthlessly suppress apostasy and independant thought. Thats why zealots do what they do - and would explain your own obsessive posting about scripture.
Elderman, //If you realize that what everybody thinks is not necessarily correct, you can find the strength to think differently. //

That's precisely why and how non-believers think differently. You should follow your own advice, Elderman.

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What is Christmas all about?

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