Cupid, you are always welcome to ask me a serious question - seriously - and I will always do my best to answer. Yes, I was a Christian raised in a liberal Christian household by loving parents - but nothing happened to draw me away from Christianity. I simply began to educate myself in that area - to read books that highlighted the errors of religion which led me to check out the given biblical references and to read the more unsavoury bits of the bible that were never read to me in church. Hence, I discovered the doctrine of the Abrahamic religions to be utterly false and eventually realised that religion not only instils an unnecessary and evil fear into innocent or gullible minds, it creates hatred, conflict, and hence, separation to the human beings that inhabit this planet we all must share. That was a long time ago, but since then I have made an on-going study of religion, its history, and its surrounding myths and legends. In fact I suppose it would be true to say that it is my life's work in a way, because my study continues to this day - and nothing I've read has ever induced me to change my mind. It's a fascinating subject - well, to me at least.
If there is a God, it is not a jealous, or vindictive, or petty God, as the God of the bible readily confessed he was - and neither is it a personal God that takes a great interest in the indiscretions or otherwise of human beings and sends them to hell for eternity as a punishment for those indiscretions. What sort of God of love would that be? No. If a God exists, then it is something quite unimaginable. I would call it the spirit of the universe.
Incidentally, I sincerely believe that the most important thing in this world is love. Nothing else matters. x