One of my best friend's ex-husband was buried on Monday - there was a choir singing with gusto and 5 priests done the mass. At the end of the mass the 5 elite priests came together and sang in latin Salve Regina. This guy was a good guy 64 years old but knew the priests and church for the work he done for them. It was very emotional. At the end of the mass another friend of mine came (she never knew him) she just wanted to come and she said I have paid money for entertainment that was rotten and that entertainment was unbelievable. Bodhran (form of a drum) his son played the tin whistle - it was the "best" funeral I have been to for a long a time. His last few years were very bad as he was diabetic, receiving dialysis 3-4 times a week, blind, and lost one leg. this was a man pre-illness- was a mastercraft joiner, singer, and then went back to Queen's University got a degree and went back to work. Tommy RIP