//And here I was just assuming that most people voted Tory because they liked Tory policies, in general. //
There it is in a nutshell. People like Judge, Naomi, myself and millions of others who know what struggle and hard work , physical grinding hard work, really is, seen it been it, and vowed to make things better for ourselves are catcalled by the pseudo "workers". People who have never done or seen family do a shift, bombard us with "messages" on how they can make things better for us by punishing the nasty achievers. We are the bogey men for the Marxist malcontents, who are in the main from backgrounds that we would have considered sheltered and privileged and they want to tell us how they can make things easier for us whilst just maintaining their own easy life is the aim. Have a look at the real backgrounds of the Labour party leaders over the last 40 years and then think again.