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Naomi24 / 15:56 Tue 27th Apr 2021 and secondly why do you think God did that? It doesn’t seem very sensible.
C/P Hence,the definition of the Hebrew word, RA, as calamity or disaster is more likely the correct translation of Isaiah 45:7.
So God did not originally create sin, evil, etc
He originally created a perfect world, perfect universe, perfect angels, and perfect man (Adam and Eve).
But, due to free will being allowed by God,
the perfect Angel (Lucifer) sinned (and became the Devil who in turn enticed a third of God’s angels to also refuse to obey God and to do evil things a with the Devil, their leader)
and the perfect Man (Adam and Eve) sinned and thereby brought sin, death, illness, cancer, murder, and all kids of evil into mankind and into all of God’s created things (earth, animals, birds, planets, etc)
So, God today (in this ‘post fall’ world) does allow, bring about, or cause calamities and disasters (think floods, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, etc) .
But this was NOT God’s original plan.
His original plan was for there to be no evil but only good.
One day God’s original plan will be restored (Read the Book of Revelation to find out ).
But for now, there are calamities, disasters, and all kinds of ‘bad things’ happening.
Some of these ‘bad things’ are caused by God. Others are allowed by God.
But all of them are intended to ‘get our attention’ and to cause us to turn from our wicked ways and to turn back to God and let Him be our God, Saviour, Lord, and Master.