^^^ Ken regards his local bookmaker as a charity and makes frequent donations ;-)
I have to admit that I tend to give to charity mainly when I'm 'given a bit of a prod' towards doing so. For example, I'm a member of the Suffolk Wildlife Trust, paying a monthly subscription to the organisation. However that's only because a very nice gentleman knocked on my door and invited me to sign up. (He was a dedicated member of SWT, not one of those annoying professional 'chuggers').
Somewhat similarly, whenever the self-service kiosk in McDonald's invites me to round up my payment to donate to the Ronald McDonald charity, I always do so. It's just the same when I use self-checkouts in Asda and get invited to add a donation onto my bill in order to help those in Ukraine. Again, I automatically do so.
However I do own up to needing that 'bit of a push' to get any money out of me for charity at other times.