// Clare - If as you say you have been on here for ten years, you should be aware of most people's views on this subject. //
Indeed so. But, at a minimum, how we evaluate other people's views is somewhat subjective -- obviously this applies to me too, but in this case it's relevant to your own judgement of whether TTT's views count as transphobic, which amounted at best to one or both of "it's not transphobic because I agree with it", and "it's not transphobic because it's reasonable", both of which beg the question.
The same in the rest of your latest: the influence of the "trans lobby" in modern politics is anyway exaggerated, but even setting that aside it's hardly a monolith, and many if not most of the changes that trans people request (nb, not "demand") hardly count as unreasonable by most measures: freedom from discrimination, and freedom of self-expression, are basic rights.