Miss Random, consider this.
Were there "peace loving" Nazis?
Were there people in the German regime, who though Hitler was a little mad and bad, but nonetheless continued working under his rule and believing the Third Reich?
Were their Jew loving Germans during Hitlers reign, who turned a blind eye to the holocaust??
The answer, I hope, is YES to all three.
Yet, the War Crimes Commission still hunted down the tools in the German machine. Under then international law, the man who delivered the gas, the man who rounded the jews up and the man in charge were all equally to blame.
And rightfully so!!!
Can you therefore not accept that there were these so called "mild and tolerant" Nazis, as there are mild muslims?
All are as bad as eachother. Whether fundamentalist or not, they are all reading the same Q'uran. They are worshipping the same God and all have a collective means. It is the same as the Nazis.
Hitler youth had pretty much the same choice as muslim youth. If they do not want to be part of it, they are ousted, maybe even killed. However, God (or evolution) gave us free will and Nazis and muslims have the choice notto believe and be part of the hate.
Sorry "Peace Loving Muslims" is an oxymoron.